
Docker Official Image



DEPRECATED; abandoned by the maintainer

docker pull glassfish


This image is officially deprecated as it has been abandoned by the original maintainer. This content will be removed from the Official Repositories program in the near future, so users will need to move to an alternative soon. A good place to look is the glassfish/server repository on DockerHub, which is managed by an Oracle employee associated with the Glassfish project.

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

For more information about this image and its history, please see the relevant manifest file (library/glassfish). This image is updated via pull requests to the docker-library/official-images GitHub repo.

For detailed information about the virtual/transfer sizes and individual layers of each of the above supported tags, please see the repos/glassfish/ file in the docker-library/repo-info GitHub repo.


GlassFish is an open-source application server project started by Sun Microsystems for the Java EE platform and now sponsored by Oracle Corporation. The supported version is called Oracle GlassFish Server. GlassFish is free software, dual-licensed under two free software licences: the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) and the GNU General Public License (GPL) with the classpath exception.

GlassFish is the reference implementation of Java EE and as such supports Enterprise JavaBeans, JPA, JavaServer Faces, JMS, RMI, JavaServer Pages, servlets, etc. This allows developers to create enterprise applications that are portable and scalable, and that integrate with legacy technologies. Optional components can also be installed for additional services.

Supported Docker versions

This image is officially supported on Docker version 1.12.1.

Support for older versions (down to 1.6) is provided on a best-effort basis.

Please see the Docker installation documentation for details on how to upgrade your Docker daemon.

User Feedback


Documentation for this image is stored in the glassfish/ directory of the docker-library/docs GitHub repo. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the repository's file before attempting a pull request.


If you have any problems with or questions about this image, please contact us through a GitHub issue. If the issue is related to a CVE, please check for a cve-tracker issue on the official-images repository first.

You can also reach many of the official image maintainers via the #docker-library IRC channel on Freenode.


You are invited to contribute new features, fixes, or updates, large or small; we are always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do our best to process them as fast as we can.

Before you start to code, we recommend discussing your plans through a GitHub issue, especially for more ambitious contributions. This gives other contributors a chance to point you in the right direction, give you feedback on your design, and help you find out if someone else is working on the same thing.

Recent tags

About Official Images

Docker Official Images are a curated set of Docker open source and drop-in solution repositories.

Why Official Images?

These images have clear documentation, promote best practices, and are designed for the most common use cases.