
By 4dauby

Updated 7 days ago

Schedyt is a simple service for scheduling events.

Databases & Storage
Message Queues



Schedyt schedules events based on the provided time zone, ensuring that scheduled tasks are executed according to the specified region's time. You can find the complete list of frequently used short time-zone names here.

Schedyt is a simple service for scheduling events. An event can be a task, a note, a message, or other types of activities. Events can be scheduled:

  • Once: For a single occurrence.

  • At a fixed rate: Repeated at regular intervals.

  • Over a period: Within a defined time range.

  • Indefinitely: For ongoing, never-ending repetitions.

Additionally, Schedyt supports RabbitMQ Direct Exchange, enabling precise message routing to specific queues based on routing keys. This feature ensures efficient communication and integration with other services. architecture

How it works


Getting started


To run Schedyt, ensure you have the following tools installed:

  • Docker
  • Postman (Optional for API testing)

Running Schedyt Containers

Schedyt requires MariaDB and RabbitMQ to operate. Follow these steps to set up and run Schedyt:

  1. Create a docker network
    docker network create schedyt-network
  2. Run mariaDB
    docker run -d --network schedyt-network --hostname schedyt-db --name schedyt-db --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=ro0tPas5wr.d --env MYSQL_DATABASE=schedyt_db mariadb:10.4.4
  3. Run rabbitMQ
    docker run -d --network schedyt-network --hostname schedyt-broker --name schedyt-broker -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672  --env RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=schedyt --env RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=Pas5wr.d rabbitmq:3.12.4-management-alpine
  4. Run schedyt
    docker run -d --network schedyt-network --name schedyt-app --env JAVA_OPTS=-Dspring.profiles.active=quick-start -p 8080:8080 4dauby/schedyt:latest
    Then schedyt is listening on port 8080

Schedule an event

Now schedyt is running follow the steps below to schedule an event.

To schedule for a short time (example: One minute) set the value of the field "triggerDate"

Scheduling with postman
  1. Download a postman collection here
  2. Import collection in Postman.
  3. From collection imported in Postman:
    1. create an application with request Register Application [Public]
    2. schedule an event with request Schedule Event [Client]
Scheduling with curl
  1. Create an application
     curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/v1/applications' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{  "name":"foo",  "description":"foo description",  "exchangeName":"foo.direct",  "secret": "myPass",  "zoneId":"Asia/Abidjan" }'
  2. Schedule an event Replace application_id by the application id you just created. It looks like "id": "9779548b335c470096c6bc6863348af9" in the response of the request above.
 curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/v1/applications/application_id/schedules' \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --data '{
  "eventName":"foo bar",
      "content":"new event successfully scheduled"    
  1. View event display schedyt logs with this command:
docker logs schedyt-app

When the event is triggered on the set date, you'll see a line containing the following text:

[QUICK START][INFO] Event received: {"content":"foo event triggered successfully"}

Container user

Schedyt is not run as root. this container has a Non-Root User called kageyama and his directory is /home/kageyama


Schedyt uses two log files to record activities:

  • access.log: Logs all HTTP requests.
  • schedyt.log: Logs all application-related events and messages.

Both log files are stored in the directory: /home/kageyama/logs

Example: Mapping Logs to a Host Directory

docker run -d --network schedyt-network --name schedyt-app --env JAVA_OPTS=-Dspring.profiles.active=quick-start \ 
-v /host/directory:/home/kageyama/logs \
-p 8080:8080 schedyt:latest 

Ensure your host directory /host/directory has the correct permissions for Docker to write files:
sudo chmod -R 777 /host/directory

Deploy via docker compose


    container_name: schedyt-db
    image: mariadb:10.4.4
      MYSQL_USER: dbUser
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: Pas5wr.d
      MYSQL_DATABASE: schedyt_db
      - "3307:3306"

    container_name: schedyt-broker
    image: rabbitmq:3.12.4-management-alpine

      - "5672:5672"
      - "15672:15672"

    container_name: schedyt-app
    image: 4dauby/schedyt:latest

    restart: on-failure
      JAVA_OPTS: -Dspring.profiles.active=prod-api-key
      DB_HOST: schedyt-db
      SCHEDYT_DB_USER: dbUser
      BROKER_HOST: schedyt-broker
      BROKER_USER: brokerUser
      BROKER_PASSWORD: Pas5wr.d
      BROKER_PORT: 5672

      - "8080:8080"
      - schedyt-db
      - schedyt-broker

    name: schedyt-net

Environment variables

DB_HOSTDatabase host
SCHEDYT_DB_USERDatabase username
SCHEDYT_DB_PASSWORDDatabase user password
BROKER_HOSTMessage broker host
BROKER_USERMessage broker username
BROKER_PASSWORDMessage broker user password
BROKER_PORTMessage broker port
ADMIN_SECRETApplication admin password. The default value is Pas5w.rd

Accessing the API Documentation

Once the application is deployed, the API documentation is available at:

This documentation provides detailed information about all available APIs, including endpoints, request parameters, and response formats.

Application Profiles

Schedyt supports multiple Spring profiles to cater to different use cases and environments. Each profile configures the application differently, enabling flexible deployment and feature activation.

Available Profiles

1. quick-start:

  • Purpose: For quick setup and local testing.
  • Features:
    • No security.
  • Usage:
    • Ideal for development or demo purposes.

2. prod-http-basic:

  • Purpose: Production environment with HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • Features:
    • Secured with HTTP Basic Authentication.
    • Focused on simplicity for environments that require basic security.

3. prod-api-key:

  • Purpose: Production environment with API key-based security.
  • Features:
    • Secured with API keys.
    • Supports client-specific authentication.
    • Ideal for applications integrating with external services or APIs.

How to Activate Profiles

Set JAVA_OPTS environment
Example: Using HTTP Basic authentication in compose configuration file

    container_name: schedyt-app
    image: 4dauby/schedyt:latest

    restart: on-failure
      JAVA_OPTS: -Dspring.profiles.active=prod-api-key

Roles in Schedyt

Schedyt defines two primary roles for applications:


  • Applications with the CLIENT role can schedule and manage their own events.


  • Applications with the ADMIN role have full access, including managing other applications and their events.
  • When Schedyt starts for the first time with the profile prod-api-key or prod-http-basic, an application with the ADMIN role is automatically created.
  • The default ADMIN application is named schedyt with the password Pas5w.rd.
  • To change the default ADMIN password, set the environment variable ADMIN_SECRET to your desired password during deployment.

Quick reference


This project is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0. See https://gitlab.com/adauby/schedyt/-/blob/main/LICENSE?ref_type=heads for reference.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull 4dauby/schedyt