
By admpresales

Updated 9 months ago

Standalone email server for Nimbus



Supported through nimbusapp. Requires Docker Compose and Docker App (All pre-configured on Nimbus Server).

Standalone email server, using the GreenMail image published on Docker Hub.

Webmail interface: Roundcube (github).

Important Notes
  • The email server is completely self contained and will not forward email to external destinations.
  • Emails are not persisted between restarts.
  • You may choose any email address and password when logging in, a mailbox will be automatically created for new users.

Latest Tags

Run nimbusapp mailserver tags to see the latest, or see the list of tags on Docker Hub.

Usage - Mail Server Configuration

Use the following settings when adding email configuration to your application.

IMAP Port3143
SMTP Port3025

Usage - Webmail

A lightweight webmail solution is included for checking email:

  • URL:
  • Username: Email Address
  • Password: Not checked, enter anything (e.g. Password1)

Basic Commands for nimbusapp

List available tagsnimbusapp mailserver tags
Create containersnimbusapp mailserver:$TAG up
Stop existing containersnimbusapp mailserver:$TAG stop
Start existing containersnimbusapp mailserver:$TAG start
Destroy containersnimbusapp mailserver:$TAG down
Inspect configurationnimbusapp mailserver:$TAG inspect

Adjusting Parameters

If you need to change one of these parameters, you can add the change to your nimbusapp up with the -s or --set option:

nimbusapp -s "SMTP_PORT=3025" -s "IMAP_PORT=3143" -s "RESTART=always" mailserver:$TAG up

Available Parameters

To list all available platforms, use the nimbusapp inspect command:

nimbusapp mailserver:$TAG inspect

Docker Pull Command

docker pull admpresales/mailserver.dockerapp