Docker Lamp Server on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS having Apache2, MySQL-Server 5.7, PHP 7.0 and phpMyAdmin
LAMP Server on Ubuntu 16.04 with nano, git, PHP-7.0, Apache2, MySQL-5.7 and phpMyAdmin
Install docker
Download and start the LAMP server instance:
docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 2222:22 -p 3306:3306 --name lamp adnan80/lamp
Test the LAMP server by pointing your browser to:
OR http://localhost/phpmyadmin
and you should see the default apache index OR /phpmadmin to access MySQL database(s).
[Optional] Change your webserver root data storage location: It's likely desirable for your Apache www-root directory and MySQL data directory to be placed in a persistent storage location outside the docker container on the host's file system. For example. Let's imagine you wish to store your www files in a directory ~/www and mysql data in directory ~/mysql on the host's file system. Then start the docker container with below command:
docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 2222:22 -p 3306:3306 \
-v ~/www:/var/www/html -v ~/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \
--name lamp adnan80/lamp
Must have at least read permissions for ~/www on the host system. Generally, it's enough to do:
sudo chmod -R 770 ~/www; sudo chown -R www-data. ~/www
[Optional] Stop the lamp docker container instance:
docker stop lamp
[Optional] Delete the lamp docker container instance (after stopping it)
docker rm lamp
docker pull adnan80/lamp