This repository is for ColdFusion 2023 images
To pull a image from this repository use the following command and then launch a container out of this image -
docker pull adobecoldfusion/coldfusion2023:latest
docker container run -dt -e acceptEULA=YES -e password=admin adobecoldfusion/coldfusion2023:latest
To launch a container directly -
docker container run -dt -e acceptEULA=YES -e password=admin adobecoldfusion/coldfusion2023:latest
To return the version number of the installed ColdFusion -
docker run --rm -it adobecoldfusion/coldfusion2023:latest info
To run a CFM page in C:/wwwroot/ via CLI -
docker run --rm -it -e acceptEULA=YES -v /opt/mywebroot:/app adobecoldfusion/coldfusion2023:latest cli test.cfm
To get a list of environment variables supported with this image -
docker run --rm -it adobecoldfusion/coldfusion2023:latest help
Supported tags with this repository -
For more information , refer Adobe documentation ,
docker pull adobecoldfusion/coldfusion2023