
By adroitlogic

Updated over 1 year ago

docker run -it -p 8280:8280 adroitlogic/ultraesb-x-complete -sample rest-service-mediation



Latest release of the high-performance UltraESB (, now available as a Docker image!

Start as many UltraESB-X containers as you like, within seconds:

docker run -it adroitlogic/ultraesb-x-complete

This image is a fully-fledged UltraESB-X distribution (with built-in metrics and management functionalities), which also includes a range of sample projects to get you started.

Available samples can be listed via:

docker run -it adroitlogic/ultraesb-x-complete -sample

A sample can be launched via:

docker run -it adroitlogic/ultraesb-x-complete -sample rest-service-mediation

Additionally, any externally developed integration projects can be mounted using the -v option:

-v /path/to/local/project/file.xpr:/opt/ultraesb-x/projects/file.xpr

For projects requiring network accessibility from outside, use the -p option:

-p external_port:internal_port

Putting it all together:

docker run -it \
-p 8280:8280 \
adroitlogic/ultraesb-x-complete \
-sample rest-service-mediation

and you would have a running instance of the rest-service-mediation project, ready to accept messages at http://localhost:8280 !

A built-in Elasticsearch server (which automatically collects UltraESB-X health and messaging statistics) is available at tcp://localhost:9300 on the container.

A REST-based management server is available at http://localhost:8085 on the container, which can be conveniently accessed via the UXTerm CLI. A copy of the CLI is available in the container, at /opt/ultraesb-x/bin/, and also as part of the standalone Tools Distribution.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull adroitlogic/ultraesb-x-complete