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By University of Wuppertal

Updated over 5 years ago

Content Management System
Data Science
Machine Learning & AI



Image to crawl from common crawl news crawl (CCNC) using news-please.

If you are using this container, which is based on news-please, please cite our paper (ResearchGate, Mendeley):

  author     = {Hamborg, Felix and Meuschke, Norman and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
  title      = {news-please: A Generic News Crawler and Extractor},
  year       = {2017},
  booktitle  = {Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium of Information Science},
  location   = {Berlin},
  editor     = {Gaede, Maria and Trkulja, Violeta and Petra, Vivien},
  pages      = {218--223},
  month      = {March}

You can find more information on this and other news projects on our website.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull aggipp/news-please-cc