Docker image for the SoftEther VPN server
This will deploy a fully functional SoftEther VPN server as a docker image. Only for the latest RTM version of the product.
Multi platform image: linux/amd64,linux/amd64/v2,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7
Available on Docker Hub. Current build version: SoftEther VPN Stable
docker pull ajleal/softether
Simplest version:
docker run -d --net host --cap-add NET_ADMIN --name softether ajleal/softether
With external config file:
mkdir /etc/vpnserver
touch /etc/vpnserver/vpn_server.config
docker run -d -v /etc/vpnserver/vpn_server.config:/usr/vpnserver/vpn_server.config --net host --cap-add NET_ADMIN --name softether ajleal/softether
docker pull ajleal/softether