
By akgarg0472

Updated 5 days ago

Go-based microservice for authentication, authorization, OAuth, and JWT management in URL Shortener.



URL Shortener Authentication Service

This project is a Go-based service for URL Shortener authentication, featuring user management, token-based security (JWT), and integrations with services like Kafka for email notifications and Eureka for service discovery.

Key Features:
  • JWT Authentication: Secure API access with token-based authentication.
  • Service Discovery: Integration with Eureka for registration and health checks.
  • MySQL Database: Stores user data and relevant information.
  • Kafka Notifications: Sends email notifications through Kafka topics.
  • OAuth Support: User authentication via Google and GitHub.
  • Go (1.21+)
  • Docker (optional)
  • MySQL
  • Kafka (optional)
  • Eureka Server (optional)
Running the Project:

Clone the repository, set up the .env file, build the project with go build, and run with ./authservice.

Docker Setup:
  1. Build the Docker Image:
    docker build -t akgarg0472/urlshortener-auth-service:1.0.0 .
  2. Run the Docker Container:
    docker run --network=host --env-file .env akgarg0472/urlshortener-auth-service:1.0.0

For more details or customization, you can refer to the GitHub repository.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull akgarg0472/urlshortener-auth-service