
By alexandreteles

Updated 4 months ago

Docker image for JMusicBot



License: WTFPLGitHub last commitGitHub Workflow Status

Simple docker image for the JMusicBot (a music bot for Discord). Based on eclipse-temurin because we want fast security patches in case another log4j nightmare happens, without having to move Faster Than Light™ to change the Dockerfile or update the Java binaries in our system.

Make sure to check the Dockerfile and the build workflow before using it. All builds on DockerHub come from our GitHub repository using GitHub Actions, so you can check what is being added to the image (literally just the JMusicBot.jar file, but you should still check).

Make sure you provide a config.txt file or the bot will not start, obviously. The image expects it to be on /app/config.txt so just add -v /path/to/config.txt:/app/config.txt:ro and you should be good to go. Example:

$ docker run --name jmusicbot -d -v /path/to/config.txt:/app/config.txt:ro \
-v /path/to/serversettings.json:/app/serversettings.json:ro --restart=always \

If you want to use playlists, set the playlistsFolder location in your config,txt relative to the /app path (ex.: playlistsFolder = "/app/playlists") and bind a local playlist folder to the bot container:

$ docker run --name jmusicbot -d -v /path/to/config.txt:/app/config.txt:ro \
-v /path/to/serversettings.json:/app/serversettings.json:ro \
-v /path/to/playlists:/app/playlists:ro --restart=always alexandreteles/jmusicbot

This image may or may not be updated to use environment variables, probably not.

We scan our image builds for vulnerabilites using Trivy and Dependabot, so you can check the Security and Issues tabs on GitHub to see if there's something bad going on and open an issue with us or fork it and fix it yourself (remember to push it upstream, aka us, pretty please).

P.S.: yes, we now have a build that uses OpenJ9 thru IBM Semeru Runtimes. That's what we currently run in production (gotta go fast), but run it at your own risk as JMusicBot isn't tested against this JVM. If anything we shouldn't be using it ourselves, but as far as our tests go it's rock stable.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull alexandreteles/jmusicbot