
By alexjunk

Updated 3 months ago

A container with all packages needed to run BIOS control command tools and algorithms

Data Science
Machine Learning & AI



The previous tag was shipping numpy >= 2 and tflite could not run properly

Package                Version
---------------------- ---------
aiohappyeyeballs       2.4.3
aiohttp                3.10.10
aiosignal              1.3.1
async-timeout          4.0.3
attrs                  24.2.0
certifi                2024.8.30
charset-normalizer     3.4.0
click                  8.1.7
frozenlist             1.5.0
idna                   3.10
multidict              6.1.0
mysql-connector-python 9.1.0
numpy                  1.26.4
paho-mqtt              2.1.0
pip                    24.3.1
propcache              0.2.0
PyFina                 0.0.6
pymodbus               3.6.8
pyserial               3.5
redis                  5.2.0
requests               2.32.3
tflite-runtime         2.13.0
typing_extensions      4.12.2
urllib3                2.2.3
yarl                   1.17.1


Package                Version
---------------------- ---------
aiohappyeyeballs       2.4.0
aiohttp                3.10.5
aiosignal              1.3.1
async-timeout          4.0.3
attrs                  24.2.0
certifi                2024.8.30
charset-normalizer     3.3.2
click                  8.1.7
frozenlist             1.4.1
idna                   3.10
multidict              6.1.0
mysql-connector-python 9.0.0
numpy                  2.1.1
paho-mqtt              2.1.0
pip                    24.2
PyFina                 0.0.6
pymodbus               3.6.8
pyserial               3.5
redis                  5.0.8
requests               2.32.3
tflite-runtime         2.13.0
typing_extensions      4.12.2
urllib3                2.2.3
yarl                   1.11.1

07/04/2024 :

stopping building for armv7 - a different Dockerfile is needed for that. tflite build was OK for ubuntu20.04 but not for ubuntu22.04. see alexjunk/tf_armv7


Package                Version
---------------------- --------
async-timeout          4.0.3
certifi                2024.2.2
charset-normalizer     3.3.2
click                  8.1.7
idna                   3.6
mysql-connector-python 8.3.0
numpy                  1.26.4
paho-mqtt              1.6.1
pip                    24.0
pymodbus               3.4.1
pyserial               3.5
redis                  5.0.1
requests               2.31.0
tflite-runtime         2.13.0
urllib3                2.2.1

Docker Pull Command

docker pull alexjunk/tf