Basic Image to spinup an environment with Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, Deno, Node and Scala
Repo with Dockerfile & docker-compose.ymp -
The Dockerfile
and docker-compose.yml
are meant to help create an easy to replicate and portable developer environment with the following languages.
Through the Dockerfile based image
Docker Compose file will also include
Make sure to edit the command below with your gitusername and email
Build Command
docker build -my_dev_environ --build-arg gitusername="Your Name" --build-arg gitemail="" .
docker run -it my_dev_environ
First make sure to enter your username and the email on your github account in the env variables.
gitusername: "Your Name"
gitemail: ""
Then to turn on the environment (include mongo and postgres databases)
docker-compose up
To turn off the environment
docker-compose down
another option is to copy the dockerfile and docker-compose.yml to a new directory you want to work out of and select "Remote-Containers: Open folder in a container" it should detect the files and give you the option of opening using either. Select the dockerfile or select docker-compose.yml and select the languages service.
If you want to turn on the services individually incase you don't need all three:
docker-compose up languages
docker-compose up postgres
docker-compose up mongodb
to turn off
docker-compose down languages
docker-compose down postgres
docker-compose down mongodb
If you just wanted to run a single command against a container, follow this example where we run bash in the languages container.
docker-container run languages /bin/bash/
docker pull alexmerced/basic_dev_environ