
By alexmerced

Updated 6 months ago

A Image for quickly setting up a Python Notebook for data engineering

Data Science


Link to Dockerfile and Documentation

Python Data Science Notebook Docker Image

This Docker image provides a Python environment with a wide range of data science libraries pre-installed. It is designed for easy access via a Jupyter Notebook in your web browser. The image is built from a minimal Python base and includes libraries for data manipulation, machine learning, and database connectivity.


  • Base Image: python:3.9-slim
  • Notebook Access: Jupyter Notebook accessible via a web browser
  • Pre-installed Libraries:
    • Data manipulation: pandas, numpy, polars, dask, ibis, pyiceberg, datafusion, sqlframe
    • Machine learning: scikit-learn, tensorflow, torch, xgboost, lightgbm
    • Visualization: matplotlib, seaborn, plotly
    • Database access: psycopg2-binary, mysqlclient, sqlalchemy, duckdb, pyarrow, pyiceberg
    • Object storage: boto3, s3fs, minio
    • Other utilities: openpyxl, requests, beautifulsoup4, lxml, pyspark, dremio-simple-query
  • User: pydata with a working directory set to /home/pydata/work
  • Ports Exposed: 8888 (Jupyter Notebook)


Building the Image

To build the Docker image, navigate to the directory containing the Dockerfile and run:

docker build -t python-notebook .
Running the Container

To run the container and start the Jupyter Notebook server, use the following command:

docker run -p 8888:8888 -v $(pwd):/home/pydata/work python-notebook
  • Port Mapping: The -p 8888:8888 flag maps the container's port 8888 (where the Jupyter Notebook server is running) to the host's port 8888.
  • Volume Mounting: The -v $(pwd):/home/pydata/work flag mounts your current directory to the container's working directory. This allows you to work with your files inside the notebook.
Accessing the Jupyter Notebook

Once the container is running, you can access the Jupyter Notebook in your web browser by navigating to:



  • Token Authentication: The Jupyter Notebook server is started with the --NotebookApp.token='' flag, which disables token authentication. This allows direct access to the notebook without requiring a login token.

  • User Configuration: The image uses the user pydata with the home directory set to /home/pydata. The working directory for the notebook is /home/pydata/work.

Extending the Image

If you need to add more libraries or make additional configurations, you can extend this image by creating a new Dockerfile that builds on top of it. For example:

FROM python-notebook

RUN pip install additional-library


Common Issues
  • Cannot Access Notebook: Ensure that port 8888 is not being blocked by your firewall or used by another service.
  • Permission Errors: Make sure the directory you're mounting ($(pwd)) has appropriate read/write permissions.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull alexmerced/datanotebook