
By alfpark

Updated over 7 years ago

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) with 1-bit SGD



  • Current images available:
    • 2.1-gpu-1bitsgd-py36-cuda8-cudnn6-intelmpi contains CNTK for GPU+Intel MPI compatible with Azure instances with GPU+Infiniband/RDMA
    • 2.1-gpu-1bitsgd-py35-cuda8-cudnn6 contains CNTK for Azure GPU instances
    • 2.1-cpu-1bitsgd-py36-intelmpi contains CNTK for Intel MPI compatible with Azure CPU-only Infiniband/RDMA instances
    • 2.1-cpu-py35 contains CNTK for general Azure instances
  • There are additional images postfixed with -refdata that contain MNIST and CIFAR-10 training data
  • These images are compatible with the Azure Batch Shipyard system.
  • You must agree to the following CNTK licenses before using this image:

Docker Pull Command

docker pull alfpark/cntk