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By alpine

Updated 5 months ago

mongosh - MongoDB Command Line Database Tools



mongosh — The Mongo Command-Line Client

source of Dockerfile

Daily CI build logs

Docker images are built together:

Image list:

Docker image tags

quick start
alias mongosh="docker run -ti --rm alpine/mongosh mongosh"

mongosh mongodb://
Install tools
  • MongoDB Shell ** mongosh - New mongo shell tool

  • Binary Import / Export

    ** mongodump - Creates a binary export of the contents of a mongod database.

    ** mongorestore - Restores data from a mongodump database dump into a mongod or mongos

    ** bsondump - Converts BSON dump files into JSON.

  • Data Import / Export

    ** mongoimport - Imports content from an Extended JSON, CSV, or TSV export file.

    ** mongoexport - Produces a JSON or CSV export of data stored in a mongod instance.

  • Diagnostic Tools

    ** mongostat - Provides a quick overview of the status of a currently running mongod or mongos instance.

    ** mongotop - Provides an overview of the time a mongod instance spends reading and writing data. GridFS Tools

    ** mongofiles - Supports manipulating files stored in your MongoDB instance in GridFS objects.

Why we need it

Mostly it is used during CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery) or as part of an automated build/deployment

The Processes to build these images
  • Enable CI cronjob on this repo to run build regularly on master branch (Weekly)
  • Build and push the images with latest version
  • Run the latest image locally and get the application version
  • Tag the image with the version, from previous step
  • push the image with version via tool called crane

Docker Pull Command

docker pull alpine/mongosh