
By anacrolix

Updated 23 days ago

A self-hosted torrent browser that bundles a BitTorrent client, DHT indexer, and a web UI

Content Management System
Web Servers


cove is a self-hosted torrent browser that bundles a BitTorrent client, DHT indexer, and a web UI. It provides additional functionality like automatic transcoding of resources for browsers and Chromecast. cove requires no external servers. The search capabilities, streaming, transcoding and other features are completely self-hosted.

See for the main page.

Run with docker run --name cove -p 8080:8080/tcp -p 42069:42069/tcp -p 42069:42069/udp --mount source=cove,target=/data anacrolix/cove. Visit http://localhost:8080 to view the UI. You may need to wait a while the first time you run it for search results to start showing up. There's a docker compose file you can use if you prefer that contributed by a Reddit user here.

The 42069 ports are for the torrent client to receive incoming connections. It will improve performance but isn't necessary.

The 8080 port is where cove listens and serves the web UI. Connect to this at whatever Docker host you use (localhost by default).

cove will put all its data in the /data in the container. You can mount this locally if you prefer (or want to inspect the data!). In particular the torrents DB is worth saving between runs. Other data is mostly transcode, torrent data caching, and the search index (which can be regenerated as needed).

The Docker version of cove runs in headless mode, and with IPv6 disabled by default. Pass -h to see how to change this. It also has the Ubuntu ffmpeg packages installed for transcoding support. These are the majority of the disk size unfortunately.

The dev tag is whatever I throw up recently, use at your peril.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull anacrolix/cove