
By anapsix

Updated about 6 years ago

Oracle Java 8 (and 7) with GLIBC 2.28 over AlpineLinux



Minified Docker image with Java

Docker PullsBuild Status

Basic Docker image to run Java applications. This image is based on AlpineLinux to keep the size down, yet smaller images do exist. Includes BASH, since many Java applications like to have convoluted BASH start-up scripts.


Thank you to everyone using images derived from this repo, to everyone who inspired and contributed. After April 2019, due to Oracle Java licensing changes, this repo is deprecated, and is now for reference only. No new builds will be published to anapsix/alpine-java repo on Docker Hub from this Github repo.

As announced, Java licensing changed, and starting April 2019 commercial usage of Oracle Java required subscription. In other words, switch to OpenJDK, or use older versions of Oracle Java (for reference, pre-built images are available on Docker Hub)

Official OpenJDK images receive regular updates, and are available at, including 8-jre-alpine (85MB), 8-jdk-alpine (105MB), 8-jre-slim (204MB), 8-jdk-slim (243MB), 8u212-jre-slim (204MB), 8u212-jdk-slim (243MB), etc..

For more details about Oracle Java Licensing, checkout this article:


Oracle JDK 8 is going through the “End of Public Updates” process, which means the April 2019 update will restrict commercial use. However, since Java SE 9, Oracle is also providing Oracle OpenJDK builds which are free for commercial use (but only updated for 6 months). There are also free OpenJDK builds which will be updated (including security patches) from other providers like AdoptOpenJDK, Amazon, Azul, BellSoft, IBM, jClarity, Red Hat, the Linux distros et al.

And many others talking about Oracle Java SE licensing changes (Google search)

java 88u202b08


To allow selection of specific Java version, a major retagging is taking place. Old tags will remain for compatibility sake, but are no longer documented. :8,:7 and :latest are all valid, but are not "locked" to any specific Java version / patch set - i.e. depending on when you pull the :8 tagged image, for example, you might end up with 8u102b14, 8u112b15, 8u121b13, etc.. Well, :7 no as much, since it's EOL and no more patches are released.

However specific :8uXXXbYY tags (such as :8u102b14, :8u112b15) will guarantee particular MAJOR-MINOR-BUILD Java versions.

JCE Policy

Special _unlimited images are available with Unlimited JCE Policy

  • Early Release MUSL JRE9 / JDK9: 9 / 9_jdk
  • Latest JRE8/JDK8 Version: 8u202b08
  • Latest JRE7/JDK7 Version: 7u80b15 - no longer buildable, as Oracle provides no downloadable packages.
  • JDK8/JDK7 Versions with alternative JVM - DCEVM: light-8u112 / full-7u80

Latest Oracle Java 8 Server-JRE:

  • latest
  • 8
  • 8_nashorn
  • 8_server-jre
  • 8_server-jre_nashorn
  • 8_server-jre_unlimited

Latest Oracle Java 8 JDK (plus DCEVM variant)

  • 8_jdk
  • 8_jdk_nashorn
  • 8_jdk_unlimited
  • 8_jdk-dcevm
  • 8_jdk-dcevm_unlimited

Latest Oracle Java 7 Server-JRE:

  • 7
  • 7_server-jre

Latest Oracle Java 7 JDK (plus DCEVM variant):

  • 7_jdk
  • 7_jdk-dcevm


docker run -it --rm anapsix/alpine-java java -version

By using Dockerfiles contained in this repo and/or container images derived from them, you are agreeing to any and all applicable software licences, license agreements & export rules related to unlimited strength crypto, etc..

Docker Pull Command

docker pull anapsix/alpine-java