Anchore Engine is no longer maintained. Users are advised to use Syft or Grype.
As of 2023, Anchore Engine is no longer maintained. There will be no future versions released. Users are advised to use Syft and Grype.
For users interested in a supported commercial solution for container scanning and complaiance, schedule a demo to see Anchore Enterprise’s broad set of enterprise capabilities including SBOM management, vulnerability management, and compliance management.
Anchore Engine is an open-source project that provides a centralized service for inspection, analysis, and certification of container images. Anchore Engine is provided as a Docker container image that can be run standalone or within an orchestration platform such as Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Rancher, Amazon ECS, and other container orchestration platforms.
With a deployment of Anchore Engine running in your environment, container images are downloaded and analyzed from Docker V2 compatible container registries and then evaluated against a vulnerability database.
Historical documentation is available at Anchore Documentation.
Anchore Engine can be accessed directly through a RESTful API or via the Anchore CLI.
Supported Operating Systems
Supported Packages
There are several ways to get started with Anchore Engine, for the latest information on quickstart and full production installation with docker-compose, Helm, and other methods, please visit:
The Anchore Engine is distributed as a Docker Image available from DockerHub.
See documentation for the full quickstart guide.
To quickly bring up an installation of Anchore Engine on a system with docker (and docker-compose) installed, follow these simple steps:
curl > docker-compose.yaml
docker-compose up -d
Once the Engine is up and running, you can begin to interact with the system using the CLI.
The Anchore CLI is an easy way to control and interact with the Anchore Engine.
The Anchore CLI can be installed using the Python pip command, or by running the CLI from the Anchore Engine CLI container image. See the Anchore CLI project on Github for code and more installation options and usage.
By default, the Anchore CLI tries to connect to the Anchore Engine at http://localhost:8228/v1 with no authentication. The username, password, and URL for the server can be passed to the Anchore CLI as command-line arguments:
--u TEXT Username eg. admin
--p TEXT Password eg. foobar
--url TEXT Service URL eg. http://localhost:8228/v1
Rather than passing these parameters for every call to the tool, they can also be set as environment variables:
Add an image to the Anchore Engine:
anchore-cli image add
Wait for the image to move to the 'analyzed' state:
anchore-cli image wait
List images analyzed by the Anchore Engine:
anchore-cli image list
Get image overview and summary information:
anchore-cli image get
List feeds and wait for at least one vulnerability data feed sync to complete. The first sync can take some time (20-30 minutes) after that syncs will only merge deltas.
anchore-cli system feeds list
anchore-cli system wait
Obtain the results of the vulnerability scan on an image:
anchore-cli image vuln os
List operating system packages present in an image:
anchore-cli image content os
For the external API definition (the user-facing service), see External API Swagger Spec. If you have Anchore Engine running, you can also review the Swagger by directing your browser at http://:8228/v1/ui/ (NOTE: the trailing slash is required for the embedded swagger UI browser to be viewed properly).
Each service implements its own API, and all APIs are defined in Swagger/OpenAPI spec. You can find each in the anchore_engine/services/<servicename>/api/swagger directory.
For further details on the use of the Anchore CLI with the Anchore Engine, please refer to the Anchore Engine Documentation
This repo was reformatted using Black in Nov. 2020. This commit can
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git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs
docker pull anchore/anchore-engine