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By anybox

Updated over 4 years ago

Caddy server (build from source) with http.proxyprotocol plugin



Travis build status

Caddy server is a web server.

This dockerfile insall caddy server and plugins from source according our needs.

This works is mainly inspired from Abisoft's works in his caddy-docker project.

Abiosoft image contains http.git pligin wich we don't use. Anybox's image contains http.proxyprotocol from a different repo than the one provided by caddy.

Dockerfile to build this image is hosted on github and build and push using Travis.

How to use

This is a most basic run using Caddyfile provide in this repo:

docker run -it anybox/caddy:0.10.10

You may mount your own Caddyfile (the caddy configuration):

docker run -it \
    -v "$(pwd)/conf/Caddyfile":/etc/caddy/Caddyfile \

Consult caddy server to learn about Caddyfile format

Docker Pull Command

docker pull anybox/caddy