Docker Images for Apache Ranger
Apache Ranger™ is a framework to enable, monitor and manage comprehensive data security across the Hadoop platform.
The vision with Ranger is to provide comprehensive security across the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. With the advent of Apache YARN, the Hadoop platform can now support a true data lake architecture. Enterprises can potentially run multiple workloads, in a multi tenant environment. Data security within Hadoop needs to evolve to support multiple use cases for data access, while also providing a framework for central administration of security policies and monitoring of user access.
Ranger requires solr, zookeeper and a database (postgres/mysql) to run.
export RANGER_VERSION=<Ranger Image Version>
export RANGER_VERSION=2.6.0
docker pull apache/ranger-zk:${RANGER_VERSION}
docker pull apache/ranger-solr:${RANGER_VERSION}
docker pull apache/ranger-db:${RANGER_VERSION}
docker pull apache/ranger:${RANGER_VERSION}
docker network create rangernw
docker run -d --name ranger-zk --hostname ranger-zk.example.com --network rangernw -p 2181:2181 apache/ranger-zk:${RANGER_VERSION}
docker run -d --name ranger-solr --hostname ranger-solr.example.com --network rangernw -p 8983:8983 apache/ranger-solr:${RANGER_VERSION} solr-precreate ranger_audits /opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/ranger_audits/
docker run -d --name ranger-db --hostname ranger-db.example.com --network rangernw --health-cmd='su -c "pg_isready -q" postgres' --health-interval=10s --health-timeout=2s --health-retries=30 apache/ranger-db:${RANGER_VERSION}
docker run -d --name ranger --hostname ranger.example.com --network rangernw -e RANGER_VERSION=${RANGER_VERSION} -e RANGER_DB_TYPE=postgres -p 6080:6080 apache/ranger:${RANGER_VERSION} /home/ranger/scripts/ranger.sh
docker pull apache/ranger