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By The Apache Software Foundation

Updated 8 days ago

Used to build the Apache Traffic Control documentation

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Apache Traffic Control

Traffic Control Logo

Apache Traffic Control allows you to build a large scale content delivery network using open source. Built around Apache Traffic Server as the caching software, Traffic Control implements all the core functions of a modern CDN.

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GitHub release (latest SemVer)Github commits since release

Build Status1

Build StatusDocumentation Status

Code Status1

Weasel License ChecksGo FormattingGo Vet
CodeQL - C++CodeQL - GoCodeQL - JavaCodeQL - JavascriptCodeQL - Python

Test Status1

ComponentUnit TestsIntegration Tests
Go LibrariesGo Lib Unit TestsCodecov-
Traffic OpsTraffic Ops Unit TestsCodecovTraffic Ops API Contract TestsTO Go Client Integration TestsCodecov
Traffic RouterTraffic Router TestsCodecovTR Ultimate Test Harness
Traffic MonitorTraffic Monitor Unit TestsCodecovTM Integration Tests
T3CT3C Unit TestsCodecovT3C Integration Tests
Traffic StatsTraffic Stats Unit TestsCodecov-
GroveGrove Unit TestsCodecov-
Traffic Portal-TP Integration Tests
TCHC-TC Health Client Integration Tests

Documentation 2

Components 2

  • Traffic Ops is the RESTful API service for management and monitoring of all servers in the CDN.
  • Traffic Portal is the web GUI for managing and monitoring the CDN via the Traffic Ops API.
  • Traffic Router uses DNS and HTTP302 to redirect clients to the closest available cache on the CDN.
  • Traffic Monitor uses HTTP to poll the health of caches and provide this information to Traffic Router.
  • Traffic Stats acquires and stores real-time metrics and statistics into an InfluxDB for charting and alerting.



Questions, Comments, Bugs and More


  1. *Status links point to the unreleased master branch 23

  2. Documentation links point to the latest which is the unreleased master branch and are neither stable nor necessarily accurate for any given supported release.2

Docker Pull Command

docker pull apache/traffic_docs_builder