The API component of the Apicurio Studio application.
To start up apicurio/apicurio-studio-api
docker run -it apicurio/apicurio-studio-api:latest-release
You may want to map the port(s) so you can access the app
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 apicurio/apicurio-studio-api:latest-release
There are some configuration options that are imporant when starting up this component. The following is a list of environment variables that you can set (e.g. when starting the docker image):
Env Variable Name | Description | Default Value |
APICURIO_KC_AUTH_URL | The URL to the Keycloak authentication server. | https://studio-auth.apicur.io/auth/ |
APICURIO_KC_REALM | The name of the Keycloak realm to use for authentication. | apicurio |
APICURIO_KC_CLIENT_ID | The Client ID of the Keycloak client to use for authentication. | apicurio-api |
APICURIO_KC_SSL_REQUIRED | Used to determine whether the Keycloak server MUST be accessed via HTTPS. | NONE |
APICURIO_KC_DISABLE_TRUST_MANAGER | Set to true to disable the HTTP client trust manager when accessing Keycloak (used when making HTTPS client calls to Keycloak). | true |
APICURIO_PORT_OFFSET | Port offset to use when starting the server (e.g. set to 10 to shift the http port from 8080 to 8090). | 0 |
APICURIO_DB_DRIVER_NAME | Database driver name. Possible values: h2, mysql, and postgresql. | h2 |
APICURIO_DB_CONNECTION_URL | Database (JDBC) connection URL. | jdbc:h2:mem:apicuriodb |
APICURIO_DB_USER_NAME | Database username. | sa |
APICURIO_DB_PASSWORD | Database password. | sa |
APICURIO_DB_INITIALIZE | Set to true if Apicurio should initialize the database (set to false if a DBA will do this). | true |
APICURIO_DB_TYPE | Database type. Valid values: h2, postgresql9, mysql5 | h2 |
APICURIO_LOGGING_LEVEL | Default logging level. | INFO |
APICURIO_MIN_HEAP | Minimum java heap setting. | 768m |
APICURIO_MAX_HEAP | Maxiumum java heap setting. | 2048m |
APICURIO_GITHUB_API_URL | URL of the GitHub API. | https://api.github.com |
APICURIO_GITLAB_API_URL | URL of the GitLab API. | https://gitlab.com |
APICURIO_BITBUCKET_API_URL | URL of the Bitbucket API. | https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0 |
For example, if you wish to use a custom Keycloak client but leave all other settings as defaults, you could start the docker image like this:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 \
-e "APICURIO_KC_AUTH_URL=https://keycloak.example.com/auth/" \
-e "APICURIO_KC_REALM=my-apicurio" \
Note: you will typically need to at least customize the Database settings so that all of the Apicurio components (API, WS, and UI) point to the same shared database instance (typically mysql or postgresql).
That might look like this:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 \
-e "APICURIO_KC_AUTH_URL=https://keycloak.example.com/auth/" \
-e "APICURIO_DB_DRIVER_NAME=postgresql" \
-e "APICURIO_DB_CONNECTION_URL=jdbc:postgresql://db.example.com:5432/apicuriodb" \
-e "APICURIO_DB_TYPE=postgresql9" \
-e "APICURIO_DB_PASSWORD=dbpassword123" \
The apicurio/apicurio-studio-api component is only one of several components that make up the Apicurio Studio application. For Apicurio Studio to fully function, the following components are required:
Component | Description | Docker Image |
API | The REST API based backend. Used by the UI for most operations. | apicurio/apicurio-studio-api |
Editing | The Web Socket based concurrent editing layer. Used by the UI only when editing an API. | apicurio/apicurio-studio-ws |
UI | The Angular based UI. Users go here to access the Apicurio UI. | apicurio/apicurio-studio-ui |
Auth | Keycloak server to provide authentication and account linking functionality. | apicurio/apicurio-studio-auth |
Note: you can install/run/configure your own Keycloak server if you already have one or don't want to use the apicurio/apicurio-studio-auth
docker pull apicurio/apicurio-studio-api