A secure isolated Dropbox Docker Container. Why? Because do you really know what dropboxd really does?
# on boot2docker via boot2docker ssh -o password_stdin
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/sda1/share
$ sudo chown -R docker:docker /mnt/sda1/share
# on Mac
$ mkdir ~/SafeDropbox
$ brew install sshfs
$ echo tcuser | sshfs docker@localhost:/mnt/sda1/share ~/SafeDropbox -oping_diskarb,volname=SafeDropbox -p 2022 -o reconnect -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o password_stdin
# in a new terminal window on your Mac run this and go to the URL it tells you
$ docker run -i -t -v /mnt/sda1/share:/Dropbox ctlc/dropbox /.dropbox-dist/dropboxd
This computer isn't linked to any Dropbox account...
Please visit https://www.dropbox.com/cli_link?host_id=694cee0dcfe6220644ed503120838b49 to link this device.
This computer is now linked to Dropbox. Welcome Lucas
# without killing the new terminal window, in the old Mac terminal window, type this
$ docker commit `docker ps -l -q` my-dropbox
$ docker kill `docker ps -l -q`
$ docker run -d -v /mnt/sda1/share:/Dropbox my-dropbox /.dropbox-dist/dropboxd
Now you can go and delete your Dropbox app from your mac and not worry about Dropbox being able to ever do anything outside of its little Linux Container.
docker pull apiology/ctlc-docker-dropbox