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By aquasec

Updated about 12 hours ago

Trivy is an all-in-one, cloud native security scanner



Quick reference

What is Trivy

Trivy scans code projects and build artifacts for security issues such as vulnerabilities, IaC misconfigurations, secrets, and more.

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How to use this image

It's recommended to read this within the Trivy documentation: Trivy Quickstart

Scan a container image for vulnerabilities:

docker run aquasec/trivy image python:3.4-alpine

Scan a local directory for IaC misconfigurations:

docker run -v $PWD:/myapp aquasec/trivy config /myapp

Generate SBOM:

docker run aquasec/trivy sbom alpine:3.15

In order reuse previously dowloaded vulnerability database, and pulled layers, you should mount the cache directory from the host, for example by adding the following to the docker tun command: -v [YOUR_CACHE_DIR]:/root/.cache/. Also consider mounting the Docker socket, for example: -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock


Trivy is licensed under Apache 2.0.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull aquasec/trivy