Avato core image - for use in customization as a base image.
Avato® is a hybrid integration platform that provides businesses with a robust technology foundation that securely, quickly, and simply integrates previously fragmented and incompatible systems and data.
Developed for the most complex, regulated environments, Avato de-risks digital transformation and delivers unmatched value.
NOTE: You will need valid Avato credentials as part of the process described here. If you do not have such credentials, please visit avato.co/one/request to request access to Avato distributions.
NOTE: Any use of Avato is subject to end user evaluation license at avato.co/one/eula. You accept this agreement by installing or using the software.
To learn more about Avato, join the AvatoSphere community at community.avato.co, follow us on LinkedIn at company/avatosystems, follow our YouTube channel at @avatosystems, get updated packages and configuration on GitHub at github.com/avatosystems, or visit our website at avato.co.
TIP: A video demonstration of these steps for Windows is available at youtu.be/SvQEBi0fLD8?si=IU7f2xURjjqaG4Xy. Note however it's even simpler than that now! See three steps under Installation below.
The fastest way to deploy Avato into a new environment is to use Docker Compose. Here we describe doing that in 3 easy steps, that will likely take less than two minutes.
Start with the docker-compose.yml file in this folder (also available from github.com/avatosystems/core or avato.co/one/new). Make sure the file is in a clean new folder and open the file in your favorite editor.
Edit the file and add your Avato username and password to the lines where it says AVATO_UPDATE_CORE_USERNAME=
Open a terminal window at location of the docker-compose.yml
Type docker-compose up
and hit enter.
That's it!
Avato is up and running with a MariaDB database. You can log in with admin/password at https://localhost:8443/avato.
You will likely want to start by changing your password - click on the user gadget and choose Change password
Then, explore the application, and review the documentation included with the distribution at https://localhost:8443/avato/docs/.
We recommend you start with the Quick Start guide you will find there, which walks you through the user interface and helps you get a basic understanding of the platform.
Then, install the tutorials and work through them as you build your first real-time integrations, API transformations, automations, tasks, workflows and schedules.
The first-time execution of the application will have created local properties
, packages
, deploy
, staging
and core
folders in your current directory.
These allow quick and easy access to modifying your properties and custom packages from an IDE, as well as from the Avato web UI. They also enable version control from the host, and make real-time editing / testing possible, both inside and outside the container.
These mappings also allow restarts to be super-quick - the Avato core is only downloaded when it is missing, and the platform is only rebuilt when you've made changes within the local properties
or packages
BENEFIT: An Avato container without changes to its configuration (hardware dependent) should now restart in under 10 seconds.
Please keep in mind the above steps are written with the intention of getting an instance of Avato running quickly as possible. For users with more experience using Avato, Docker and/or Docker Compose, we understand that more time may be spent in customizing certain parameters in the 'docker-compose.yml' file, including configuring custom bindings to your local storage. Customizing your Avato configuration involves updating the properties.xml, packages.txt, and using the user interface, as described in the documentation.
If you have any questions, please check our community forum at community.avato.co, or email us at support@avato.co.
Avato® is a registered trademark of Avato Systems Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
docker pull avato1/core