
By avhost

Updated about 1 year ago

Minimal Apache Mesos cluster with a master, an agent, dockerd, docker network and Zookeeper.

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Mesos Mini

This repository will build a mesos-mini docker image to run Apache Mesos for development on a local system.

How to use

To use the container, use the following command (works on both Mac and Linux, does work under windows only with a systemd workaround)

docker run --rm --name mesos --privileged=true -p 5050:5050 -p 5051:5051 -it avhost/mesos-mini:1.11.x /lib/systemd/systemd


docker run  --rm --name mesos --privileged=true --net host -it avhost/mesos-mini:1.11.x /lib/systemd/systemd

These mesos-mini have a configured docker overlay network called "mini" with the subnet "".

docker exec -it mesos /bin/bash
docker network ls

NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
f900fd5ccfa5        bridge              bridge              local
b1d30e4614a0        host                host                local
1a38cad453a3        mini                bridge              local
d2beaa9f939b        none                null                local

The Mesos master can be reached at

Docker Pull Command

docker pull avhost/mesos-mini