
By awsosml

Updated 5 months ago

Ingests STAC items from SNS topic into FastAPI database logic

Data Science
Databases & Storage
Machine Learning & AI


OversightML Data Intake

The OversightML Data Intake facilitates the processing, conversion, and management of satellite imagery metadata as part of the OversightML (OSML) framework and can be deployed as part of the OSML guidance package. It leverages the GDAL library and integrates with Amazon S3 for seamless storage and sharing to provide imagery metadata to other service components. Ingests SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) items placed on an SNS topic into via the STAC Fast API database logic.


Instructions for running OSML Data Intake can be found in this

Source Code

Source code is available in the related Github repository:


Issues should be reported on the Github issues page.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull awsosml/osml-data-intake-ingest