
By azukiapp

Updated over 8 years ago

Base docker image to deploy an app using `azk` (




Base docker image to deploy an app using azk

Initial Considerations

We strongly recommend you to use Ubuntu 14.04 x86-64 in the target server. Using this image with any other OS in the target server is untested yet and it's potentially broken.

Versions (tags)

- [`latest`]( - [`0.0.7`]( - [`0.0.6`]( - [`0.0.5`]( - [`0.0.4`]( - [`0.0.3`]( - [`0.0.2`]( - [`0.0.1`](

Image content:


The following environment variables are available for configuring the deployment using this image:

  • REMOTE_HOST: Deploy server's public IP;
  • REMOTE_ROOT_PASS (optional): Deploy server's root password. It's optional because you can have added your public ssh key into the authorized_keys files in the remote server;
  • LOCAL_PROJECT_PATH: (optional, default: /azk/deploy/src) Project source code path;
  • LOCAL_DOT_SSH_PATH (optional, default: /azk/deploy/.ssh): Path containing SSH keys. If no path is given, a new SSH public/private key pair will be generated;
  • LOCAL_DOT_CONFIG_PATH (optional, default: /azk/deploy/.config): Path to be mapped as a persistent folder on Azkfile.js. Used to cache deploy information;
  • REMOTE_USER (optional, default: git): Username created (or used if it exists) in the remote server to deploy files and run the app;
  • REMOTE_PASS (optional): REMOTE_USER's password. If it's a new user, a random password will be generated;
  • REMOTE_ROOT_USER (optional, default: root): Root user in the remote server;
  • REMOTE_PORT (optional, default: 22): SSH remote port;
  • GIT_REF (optional, default: master): Git reference (branch, commit SHA1 or tag) to be deployed;
  • AZK_DOMAIN (optional, default: azk domain in the current namespace;
  • HOST_DOMAIN (optional): Domain name which you'll use to access the remote server;
  • AZK_RESTART_COMMAND (optional, default: azk restart -R): command to executed after each git push;
  • REMOTE_PROJECT_PATH_ID (optional): By default, the project will be placed at /home/REMOTE_USER/REMOTE_PROJECT_PATH_ID (i.e., REMOTE_PROJECT_PATH) in the remote server. If no value is given, a random id will be generated;
  • REMOTE_PROJECT_PATH (optional): The path where the project will be stored in the remote server. If no value is given, it will be /home/REMOTE_USER/REMOTE_PROJECT_PATH_ID;
  • RUN_SETUP (optional, default: true): Boolean variable that defines if the remote server setup step should be run;
  • RUN_CONFIGURE (optional, default: true): Boolean variable that defines if the remote server configuration should be run;
  • RUN_DEPLOY (optional, default: true): Boolean variable that defines if the deploy step should be run;
  • DISABLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKER (optional, default: false): Boolean variable that defines either azk should track deploy anonymous data or not;
  • ENV_FILE (optional, default: .env): The .env file path that will be copied to remote server;
  • SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE (optional, default: id_rsa): The SSH private key filename that will be used to generate and/or connect to the droplet. The public key is considered

Consider you want to deploy your app in a server which public IP is SERVER_PUBLIC_IP and root user's password is SERVER_ROOT_PASS, and your local SSH keys are placed at LOCAL_DOT_SSH_PATH (usually this path is $HOME/.ssh). Remember that passing a root password is optional, since you can always put your local SSH public key into $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file in the host server.

Usage with azk

Example of using this image with azk:

  • Add the deploy system to your Azkfile.js:
 * Documentation:

// Adds the systems that shape your system
  // ...

  deploy: {
    image: {"docker": "azukiapp/deploy"},
    mounts: {
      "/azk/deploy/src":     path("."),
      "/azk/deploy/.ssh":    path("#{env.HOME}/.ssh"),
      "/azk/deploy/.config": persistent("deploy-config"),
    scalable: {"default": 0, "limit": 0},
    envs: {
  • Add the HOST_DOMAIN (if any) and HOST_IP var to your main system http domains (so you can access it by http://SERVER_PUBLIC_IP or http://YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN). Please note the order matter.
 * Documentation:

// Adds the systems that shape your system
  example: {
    // ...
    http: {
      domains: [
        // ...

  // ...
  • Run:
$ azk deploy
  • Customizing AZK_RESTART_COMMAND for a specific deploy:
$ azk deploy -e AZK_RESTART_COMMAND="azk restart -R -vvvv --rebuild"

Usage with docker

To create the image azukiapp/deploy, execute the following command on the deploy image folder:

$ docker build -t azukiapp/deploy .

To run the image:

$ docker run --rm --name deploy-run \
  -v $(pwd):/azk/deploy/src \
  -v $HOME/.ssh:/azk/deploy/.ssh \

Before running, replace SERVER_PUBLIC_IP and SERVER_ROOT_PASS with the actual values.


Azuki Dockerfiles distributed under the Apache License.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull azukiapp/deploy