Docker image to run MongoDB by Azuki -
This image is maintained by Azuki, the creator and maintainer of azk.
azk is an orchestrator for Docker's containers in local development environments.
You can visit for more instructions on how to use this image with azk with 2 commands.
Here are some other links to help you get started with azk and the azk images:
To create the image azukiapp/mongodb
, execute the following command on the mongodb folder:
$ docker build -t azukiapp/mongodb .
To run the image and bind to port 27017 and 28017:
$ docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -p 28017:28017 -v <db-dir>:/data/db --name mongodb azukiapp/mongodb
# with azk
$ azk logs mongodb
# with docker
$ docker logs <CONTAINER_ID>
Azuki Dockerfiles distributed under the Apache License.
docker pull azukiapp/mongodb