
By azul

Updated 21 days ago




What is Azul Platform Prime?

Azul Platform Prime (formerly Zing) is a truly superior Java platform that can cut your infrastructure costs in half. Azul Platform Prime turbocharges the performance and scalability of your Java ecosystem with a hyper-optimized runtime that maximizes performance while dramatically driving down infrastructure costs.

Azul Platform Prime is compliant with the Java SE standard.

Azul Platform Prime is built, tested, supported, and delivered by Azul.

Azul Platform Prime is ideal for online services where consistent response times are essential to meet SLAs and growing demands.

Check out Azul Platform Prime Use Cases for more information.

Centos, Debian and Ubuntu Docker official images of Prime are available in the following repositories:


This Azul Platform Prime repository supports numerous versions of OpenJDK-based Java SE JDKs.

To run a container of your choice, use commands below as an example.

For a Prime 17 container, enter:

docker run -it --rm azul/prime:17 java -version

For a Prime 15 container, enter:

docker run -it --rm azul/prime:15 java -version

For a Prime 13 container, enter:

docker run -it --rm azul/prime:13 java -version

For a Prime 11 container, enter:

docker run -it --rm azul/prime:11 java -version

For a Prime 8 container, enter:

docker run -it --rm azul/prime:8 java -version

Docker Pull Command

docker pull azul/prime-ubuntu