
Sponsored OSS

By Backdevs

Updated over 3 years ago

A dockerized version of the tunnelto client.

Integration & Delivery


Still tunnelto, but dockerized! 🐋

⚠️ This repository has been archived because tunnelto seems abandoned. ⚠️

GitHub release (latest SemVer)Docker Build Status



To expose a local webserver

In order for the tunnelto container to communicate with the local webserver, the network isolation between the host and the container must be removed by using the host network driver.

docker run --rm --net=host backdevs/tunnelto \
  --key=my-tunnelto-key \
  --port=8080 \

Note: This use case works best on linux hosts. You can read more about the limitations and downsides of the host driver here.

To expose a docker-compose service
version: "3.8"

    image: nginx:stable-alpine
      - 8080:80

    image: backdevs/tunnelto:latest
      KEY: my-tunnelto-key # Your tunnelto access key ( For security reasons, please use an environment variable.
      SCHEME: http         # This can be either `http` or `https`, depending on your webserver's configuration.
      HOST: nginx          # The host service. In this example it's the `nginx` service above.
      PORT: 80             # The port that your webserver service listens to.
      SUBDOMAIN: myproject # The subdomain that will be used to access your webserver. In this case, it'll be ``.
      - 8081:8080          # The tunnelto inspection dashboard port mapping.


Alternatively, instead of defining the arguments as environment variables, the command service setting can be used.


Using docker-compose (recommended)

Simply run the following command.

docker-compose build

Alternatively, if your Docker installation comes with docker-compose included.

docker compose build
Using the docker build command

Opposed to the previous docker-compose method, with this method you can specify the tunnelto version as a build argument.

docker build \
  --build-arg VERSION=0.1.18 \
  --tag backdevs/tunnelto:0.1.18 \
  --tag backdevs/tunnelto:latest \

Environment variables

All the available environment variables are mapped to tunneltoarguments.

How they're implemented can be seen in

  • KEY - required
  • SCHEME - optional
  • HOST - optional (depending on the use case)
  • PORT - optional
  • SUBDOMAIN - optional (depending on the use case)
  • DASHBOARD_PORT - optional (default: 8080)

For more detailed explanations and default values, please read the official tunnelto readme.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull backdevs/tunnelto