
By bandi13

Updated about 6 years ago

Image with a VNC server on port 5900 and a webclient on port 5901 for containerized GUI applications



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Image with a VNC server on port 5900 and a webclient on port 5901 for containerized GUI applications

Here is a screenshot: Alt

This is based on Ubuntu 18.10 and installs TigerVNC for the VNC server, and uses noVNC for the HTML5-based webclient. You can start the container with:

docker run --shm-size=256m -it -p 5900:5900 -p 5901:5901 -e VNC_PASSWD=123456 bandi13/vnc-webclient

The shm-size argument is to make sure that the webclient does not run out of shared memory and crash.

Port 5900 is exposing the VNC Server port. The port 5901 is using the noVNC webclient. You can change the default VNC password of '123456' on the docker run command to whatever you wish.

Containers that build on this will be able to have scripts run inside the Fluxbox window manager. Any custom scripts can be placed in /opt/startup_scripts.

Adding in additional menu items to the bottom is as easy as:

RUN echo "?package(bash):needs=\"X11\" section=\"DockerCustom\" title=\"Xterm\" command=\"xterm -ls -bg black -fg white\"" >> /usr/share/menu/custom-docker && update-menus

Or this for running shell scripts: RUN echo "?package(bash):needs=\"text\" section=\"DockerCustom\" title=\"Some Script\" command=\"touch /tmp/file\"" >> /usr/share/menu/custom-docker && update-menus

Docker Pull Command

docker pull bandi13/vnc-webclient