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By BellSoft

Updated over 5 years ago

Liberica is a 100% open-source Java implementation by BellSoft

Languages & Frameworks
Integration & Delivery
Operating Systems


What is Liberica?

Liberica is a 100% open-source Java implementation. It is built from OpenJDK which BellSoft contributes to, is thoroughly tested and passed the JCK provided under the license from OpenJDK. Liberica supports the following architectures: x86_64, ARMv8, ARMv7 Liberica binaries for the Raspberry Pi also contain JavaFX with hardware-accelerated EGL support and Device IO API as additional modules.

Liberica is built, tested, supported and made available by BellSoft.

This repository contain Windows Server Core images of Liberica OpenJDK and available for following architectures:

  • x86_64 (aka amd64)


The Liberica repository bellsoft/liberica-openjdk-windowsservercore provides multiple tagged images. The latest Liberica versions are:


For example, you can run a Liberica OpenJDK 11 container with the following command:

docker run -it --rm bellsoft/liberica-openjdk-windowsservercore:11 java -version

To run some application you can create Dockerfile, based on bellsoft/liberica-openjdk-windowsservercore image or mount volume with your code/applicaiton, for example:

docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:C:\data bellsoft/liberica-openjdk-windowsservercore:latest java -jar C:/data/MyApp.jar

Docker Pull Command

docker pull bellsoft/liberica-openjdk-windowsservercore