
By beryju

Updated over 3 years ago




ACME for appliances that don't natively support it

Currently supported

  • Netapp ONTAP (tested with 9.8)

    The certificate can be changed for either the entire Cluster's Management interface (set the extension svm_name to the cluster name), or a SVM's S3 service. Since the S3 update is disruptive, the SVM will be set to down, the cert is replaced and the SVM is started again. In the case of an error, the SVM is started regardless.

  • Citrix ADC/Netscaler (tested with 13.0)

    Works pretty much as expected, certificates are updated without any manual actions or workaround required. Depending on the Virtual Server setup, you might have to import the Root CA manually, which for Let's Encrypt will be

  • VMware vCenter (tested with 7.0u1)

    After the initial replacement, you might have to accept the new certificate in software that connects to the vCenter, like Veeam.

Supported DNS Providers:


Use ACME Certificates for appliances which don't natively support them.

  acme-for-appliances [flags]

  -n, --check-interval int   Interval for infinite mode, in hours (default 24)
  -c, --config string        config file
  -f, --force                force renewal
  -h, --help                 help for acme-for-appliances
  -i, --infinite             Infinite mode, keep running the program infinitley and check every interval.


Configuration is loaded from config.toml if the file exists. You can also set settings using environment variables:


A minimal config looks like this, for a full example/reference, check out config-example.toml.

user_email = ""
terms_agreed = false

type = "netapp"
domains = [
url = ""  # Base Connection URL
validate_certs = false  # Validate HTTPS certificates
username = "admin"
password = "admin"

cert_name_a = "test-le-cert-a"
cert_name_b = "test-le-cert-b"
svm_name = "cert-test"

Docker Pull Command

docker pull beryju/acme-for-appliances