In NANO node config, "rpc_enable" and "enable_control" options must be enabled.
Create a config file for accept-nano. See Config section below.
Run it with:
$ accept-nano -config /path/to/the/config.toml
You can run accept-nano and NANO node software in the same host but it is not necessary.
You can create a Docker container for accept-nano that works perfectly with your Docker Nano Node!
The configuration and database are stored at /opt/data so you should map that folder to your host.
accept-nano is a HTTP server with 2 primary endpoints.
/api/pay for creating a payment request.
/api/verify for checking the status of a payment.
From client, you create a payment request by posting the currency and amount.
When accept-nano receives a payment request, it creates a random seed and unique address for the payment and saves it in its database, then returns a unique token to the client.
After the payment is created, accept-nano starts checking the destination account for incoming funds periodically.
While accept-nano is checking the payment, the client also checks by calling the verification endpoint. It does this continuously until the payment is verified.
The customer has a limited amount of time to transfer the funds to the destination account. This duration can be set in accept-nano config.
Then the customer pays the requested amount.
If accept-nano sees a pending block at destination account, it sends a notification to the merchant and changes the status of the payment to "verified".
At this point, the payment is received and the merchant is notified. The client can continue its flow.
The server accepts pending blocks at the destination account.
The server sends the funds in destination account to the merchants account defined in the config file.
Config is written in TOML format.
The structure of config file is defined in config.go. See comments for field descriptions.
Example Config
DatabasePath = "./accept-nano.db"ListenAddress = ""NodeURL = "http://localhost:7076/"# Don't forget to set your merchant account.Account = "nano_1youraccount3fp9utkor5ixmxyg8kme8fnzc4zty145ibch8kf5jwpnzr3r"# Generate a new random seed with "accept-nano -seed" command and keep it secret.Seed = "12F36345AB0B10557F22B36B5FF241EF09AF7AEA00A40B3F52CCD34640040E92"# Payment notifications will be sent to this URL (optional).NotificationURL = "http://localhost:5000/"# CoinMarketCap API key. Available from = "123ab456-cd78-90ef-ab12-34cd56ef7890"
accept-nano does not need to know your merchant wallet seed. It takes payments from customers and sends them to your merchant account address defined in config file.
accept-nano server is designed to be open to the Internet but you can run it in your internal network and control requests to it if you want to be extra safe.
accept-nano does not keep funds itself and passes incoming payments to the merchant account immediately. So there is only a small period of time when the funds are held by accept-nano.
Private keys are not saved in the database and derived from the seed defined in the config. So you are safe even if the database file is stolen.
Please open an issue if you have a question or suggestion.