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Bitnami container image for Odoo

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Bitnami package for Odoo

What is Odoo?

Odoo is an open source ERP and CRM platform, formerly known as OpenERP, that can connect a wide variety of business operations such as sales, supply chain, finance, and project management.

Overview of Odoo Trademarks: This software listing is packaged by Bitnami. The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies, and use of them does not imply any affiliation or endorsement.


docker run --name odoo bitnami/odoo:latest

Warning: This quick setup is only intended for development environments. You are encouraged to change the insecure default credentials and check out the available configuration options in the Environment Variables section for a more secure d eployment.

Why use Bitnami Images?

  • Bitnami closely tracks upstream source changes and promptly publishes new versions of this image using our automated systems.
  • With Bitnami images the latest bug fixes and features are available as soon as possible.
  • Bitnami containers, virtual machines and cloud images use the same components and configuration approach - making it easy to switch between formats based on your project needs.
  • All our images are based on minideb -a minimalist Debian based container image that gives you a small base container image and the familiarity of a leading Linux distribution- or scratch -an explicitly empty image-.
  • All Bitnami images available in Docker Hub are signed with Notation. Check this post to know how to verify the integrity of the images.
  • Bitnami container images are released on a regular basis with the latest distribution packages available.

Looking to use Odoo in production? Try VMware Tanzu Application Catalog, the commercial edition of the Bitnami catalog.

How to deploy Odoo in Kubernetes?

Deploying Bitnami applications as Helm Charts is the easiest way to get started with our applications on Kubernetes. Read more about the installation in the Bitnami Odoo Chart GitHub repository.

Bitnami containers can be used with Kubeapps for deployment and management of Helm Charts in clusters.

Only latest stable branch maintained in the free Bitnami catalog

Starting December 10th 2024, only the latest stable branch of any container will receive updates in the free Bitnami catalog. To access up-to-date releases for all upstream-supported branches, consider upgrading to Bitnami Premium. Previous versions already released will not be deleted. They are still available to pull from DockerHub.

Please check the Bitnami Premium page in our partner Arrow Electronics for more information.

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

Learn more about the Bitnami tagging policy and the difference between rolling tags and immutable tags in our documentation page.

You can see the equivalence between the different tags by taking a look at the tags-info.yaml file present in the branch folder, i.e bitnami/ASSET/BRANCH/DISTRO/tags-info.yaml.

Subscribe to project updates by watching the bitnami/containers GitHub repo.

Get this image

The recommended way to get the Bitnami Odoo Docker Image is to pull the prebuilt image from the Docker Hub Registry.

docker pull bitnami/odoo:latest

To use a specific version, you can pull a versioned tag. You can view the list of available versions in the Docker Hub Registry.

docker pull bitnami/odoo:[TAG]

If you wish, you can also build the image yourself by cloning the repository, changing to the directory containing the Dockerfile and executing the docker build command. Remember to replace the APP, VERSION and OPERATING-SYSTEM path placeholders in the example command below with the correct values.

git clone
docker build -t bitnami/APP:latest .

How to use this image

Odoo requires access to a PostgreSQL database to store information. We'll use the Bitnami Docker Image for PostgreSQL for the database requirements.

Using the Docker Command Line

Step 1: Create a network

docker network create odoo-network

Step 2: Create a volume for PostgreSQL persistence and create a PostgreSQL container

$ docker volume create --name postgresql_data
docker run -d --name postgresql \
  --env POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=bitnami \
  --network odoo-network \
  --volume postgresql_data:/bitnami/postgresql \

Step 3: Create volumes for Odoo persistence and launch the container

$ docker volume create --name odoo_data
docker run -d --name odoo \
  -p 80:8069 \
  --network odoo-network \
  --volume odoo_data:/bitnami/odoo \

Access your application at http://your-ip/

Run the application using Docker Compose
curl -sSL > docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d

Please be aware this file has not undergone internal testing. Consequently, we advise its use exclusively for development or testing purposes. For production-ready deployments, we highly recommend utilizing its associated Bitnami Helm chart.

If you detect any issue in the docker-compose.yaml file, feel free to report it or contribute with a fix by following our Contributing Guidelines.

Persisting your application

If you remove the container all your data will be lost, and the next time you run the image the database will be reinitialized. To avoid this loss of data, you should mount a volume that will persist even after the container is removed.

For persistence you should mount a directory at the /bitnami/odoo path. If the mounted directory is empty, it will be initialized on the first run. Additionally you should mount a volume for persistence of the PostgreSQL data.

The above examples define the Docker volumes named postgresql_data and odoo_data. The Odoo application state will persist as long as volumes are not removed.

To avoid inadvertent removal of volumes, you can mount host directories as data volumes. Alternatively you can make use of volume plugins to host the volume data.

Mount host directories as data volumes with Docker Compose

This requires a minor change to the docker-compose.yml file present in this repository:

-      - 'postgresql_data:/bitnami/postgresql'
+      - /path/to/postgresql-persistence:/bitnami/postgresql
-      - 'odoo_data:/bitnami/odoo'
+      - /path/to/odoo-persistence:/bitnami/odoo
-  postgresql_data:
-    driver: local
-  odoo_data:
-    driver: local

NOTE: As this is a non-root container, the mounted files and directories must have the proper permissions for the UID 1001.

Mount host directories as data volumes using the Docker command line

Step 1: Create a network (if it does not exist)

docker network create odoo-network

Step 2. Create a PostgreSQL container with host volume

docker run -d --name postgresql \
  --env POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=bitnami \
  --network odoo-network \
  --volume /path/to/postgresql-persistence:/bitnami/postgresql \

Step 3. Create the Odoo container with host volumes

docker run -d --name odoo \
  -p 80:8069 \
  --network odoo-network \
  --volume /path/to/odoo-persistence:/bitnami/odoo \


Environment variables

Customizable environment variables

NameDescriptionDefault Value
ODOO_DATA_TO_PERSISTFiles to persist relative to the Odoo installation directory. To provide multiple values, separate them with a whitespace.${ODOO_ADDONS_DIR} ${ODOO_CONF_DIR} ${ODOO_DATA_DIR}
ODOO_PORT_NUMBERPort number in which Odoo will run.8069
ODOO_LONGPOLLING_PORT_NUMBERPort number in which the Odoo Longpolling service will run.8072
ODOO_SKIP_BOOTSTRAPWhether to perform initial bootstrapping for the
ODOO_SKIP_MODULES_UPDATEWhether to perform initial update of the plugins
ODOO_LOAD_DEMO_DATAWhether to load demo
ODOO_LIST_DBWhether the database selector is
ODOO_EMAILOdoo user e-mail
ODOO_PASSWORDOdoo user password.bitnami
ODOO_SMTP_HOSTOdoo SMTP server host.nil
ODOO_SMTP_PORT_NUMBEROdoo SMTP server port number.nil
ODOO_SMTP_USEROdoo SMTP server user.nil
ODOO_SMTP_PASSWORDOdoo SMTP server user password.nil
ODOO_SMTP_PROTOCOLOdoo SMTP server protocol to use.nil
ODOO_DATABASE_PORT_NUMBERDatabase server port.5432
ODOO_DATABASE_NAMEDatabase name.bitnami_odoo
ODOO_DATABASE_USERDatabase user name.bn_odoo
ODOO_DATABASE_PASSWORDDatabase user password.nil
ODOO_DATABASE_FILTERDatabase filternil

Read-only environment variables

ODOO_BASE_DIROdoo installation directory.${BITNAMI_ROOT_DIR}/odoo
ODOO_BIN_DIROdoo directory for binary executables.${ODOO_BASE_DIR}/bin
ODOO_CONF_DIROdoo directory for configuration files.${ODOO_BASE_DIR}/conf
ODOO_CONF_FILEConfiguration file for Odoo.${ODOO_CONF_DIR}/odoo.conf
ODOO_DATA_DIROdoo directory for data files.${ODOO_BASE_DIR}/data
ODOO_ADDONS_DIROdoo directory for addons.${ODOO_ADDONS_DIR:-${ODOO_BASE_DIR}/addons}
ODOO_TMP_DIROdoo directory for temporary files.${ODOO_BASE_DIR}/tmp
ODOO_LOGS_DIROdoo directory for log files.${ODOO_BASE_DIR}/log
ODOO_LOG_FILELog file for Odoo.${ODOO_LOGS_DIR}/odoo-server.log
ODOO_VOLUME_DIROdoo directory for mounted configuration files.${BITNAMI_VOLUME_DIR}/odoo
ODOO_DAEMON_USEROdoo system user.odoo
ODOO_DAEMON_GROUPOdoo system group.odoo
ODOO_DEFAULT_DATABASE_HOSTDefault database server host.postgresql

When you start the Odoo image, you can adjust the configuration of the instance by passing one or more environment variables either on the docker-compose file or on the docker run command line. If you want to add a new environment variable:

  • For docker-compose add the variable name and value under the application section in the docker-compose.yml file present in this repository:

        - ODOO_PASSWORD=my_password
  • For manual execution add a --env option with each variable and value:

    $ docker run -d --name odoo -p 80:8069 \
      --env ODOO_PASSWORD=my_password \
      --network odoo-tier \
      --volume /path/to/odoo-persistence:/bitnami \

SMTP configuration using a Gmail account

This would be an example of SMTP configuration using a Gmail account:

  • Modify the docker-compose.yml file present in this repository:

          - ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes
          - ODOO_SMTP_PORT_NUMBER=587
          - ODOO_SMTP_PASSWORD=your_password
  • For manual execution:

    $ docker run -d --name odoo -p 80:8069 \
      --env \
      --env ODOO_SMTP_PORT_NUMBER=587 \
      --env \
      --env ODOO_SMTP_PASSWORD=your_password \
      --network odoo-tier \
      --volume /path/to/odoo-persistence:/bitnami \

Connect Odoo container to an existing database

The Bitnami Odoo container supports connecting the Odoo application to an external database. This would be an example of using an external database for Odoo.

  • Modify the docker-compose.yml file present in this repository:

    -      - ODOO_DATABASE_HOST=mariadb
    +      - ODOO_DATABASE_HOST=mariadb_host
    -      - ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes
    +      - ODOO_DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=odoo_password
  • For manual execution:

    $ docker run -d --name odoo\
      -p 80:8069 \
      --network odoo-network \
      --env ODOO_DATABASE_HOST=mariadb_host \
      --env ODOO_DATABASE_PORT_NUMBER=3306 \
      --env ODOO_DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=odoo_password \
      --volume odoo_data:/bitnami/odoo \

In case the database already contains data from a previous Odoo installation, you need to set the variable ODOO_SKIP_BOOTSTRAP to yes. Otherwise, the container would execute the installation wizard and could modify the existing data in the database. Note that, when setting ODOO_SKIP_BOOTSTRAP to yes, values for environment variables such as ODOO_EMAIL or ODOO_PASSWORD will be ignored.


The Bitnami Odoo Docker image sends the container logs to stdout. To view the logs:

docker logs odoo

Or using Docker Compose:

docker-compose logs odoo

You can configure the containers logging driver using the --log-driver option if you wish to consume the container logs differently. In the default configuration docker uses the json-file driver.


Backing up your container

To backup your data, configuration and logs, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Stop the currently running container

docker stop odoo

Or using Docker Compose:

docker-compose stop odoo

Step 2: Run the backup command

We need to mount two volumes in a container we will use to create the backup: a directory on your host to store the backup in, and the volumes from the container we just stopped so we can access the data.

docker run --rm -v /path/to/odoo-backups:/backups --volumes-from odoo busybox \
  cp -a /bitnami/odoo /backups/latest
Restoring a backup

Restoring a backup is as simple as mounting the backup as volumes in the containers.

For the PostgreSQL database container:

 $ docker run -d --name postgresql \
-  --volume /path/to/postgresql-persistence:/bitnami/postgresql \
+  --volume /path/to/postgresql-backups/latest:/bitnami/postgresql \

For the Odoo container:

 $ docker run -d --name odoo \
-  --volume /path/to/odoo-persistence:/bitnami/odoo \
+  --volume /path/to/odoo-backups/latest:/bitnami/odoo \
Upgrade this image

Bitnami provides up-to-date versions of PostgreSQL and Odoo, including security patches, soon after they are made upstream. We recommend that you follow these steps to upgrade your container. We will cover here the upgrade of the Odoo container. For the PostgreSQL upgrade see:

The bitnami/odoo:latest tag always points to the most recent release. To get the most recent release you can simple repull the latest tag from the Docker Hub with docker pull bitnami/odoo:latest. However it is recommended to use tagged versions.

Step 1: Get the updated image

docker pull bitnami/odoo:latest

Step 2: Stop the running container

Stop the currently running container using the command

docker-compose stop odoo

Step 3: Take a snapshot of the application state

Follow the steps in Backing up your container to take a snapshot of the current application state.

Step 4: Remove the currently running container

Remove the currently running container by executing the following command:

docker-compose rm -v odoo

Step 5: Run the new image

Update the image tag in docker-compose.yml and re-create your container with the new image:

docker-compose up -d

Notable Changes

12.0.20210615-debian-10-r20, 13.0.20210610-debian-10-r24 and 14.0.20210610-debian-10-r22
  • The size of the container image has been decreased.
  • The configuration logic is now based on Bash scripts in the rootfs/ folder.
  • It is now possible to use an already populated Odoo database from another installation. In order to do this, use the environment variable ODOO_SKIP_BOOTSTRAP, which forces the container not to run the initial Odoo setup wizard.
  • Removed port 8071 from list of exposed ports. This port was used by the Odoo XMLRPCS service, but was removed in Odoo 10.
  • Added port 8072 to the list of exposed ports. This port is used by the Odoo Longpolling service.
  • The WITHOUT_DEMO environment variable was deprecated in favor of the boolean ODOO_LOAD_DEMO_DATA environment variable.


We'd love for you to contribute to this container. You can request new features by creating an issue or submitting a pull request with your contribution.


If you encountered a problem running this container, you can file an issue. For us to provide better support, be sure to fill the issue template.


Copyright © 2025 Broadcom. The term "Broadcom" refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull bitnami/odoo