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Bitnami container image for Pgpool-II

Databases & Storage
Monitoring & Observability


Bitnami package for Pgpool-II

What is Pgpool-II?

Pgpool-II is the PostgreSQL proxy. It stands between PostgreSQL servers and their clients providing connection pooling, load balancing, automated failover, and replication.

Overview of Pgpool-II Trademarks: This software listing is packaged by Bitnami. The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies, and use of them does not imply any affiliation or endorsement.


Docker Compose
docker run --name pgpool bitnami/pgpool:latest

You can find the default credentials and available configuration options in the Environment Variables section.

Why use Bitnami Images?

  • Bitnami closely tracks upstream source changes and promptly publishes new versions of this image using our automated systems.
  • With Bitnami images the latest bug fixes and features are available as soon as possible.
  • Bitnami containers, virtual machines and cloud images use the same components and configuration approach - making it easy to switch between formats based on your project needs.
  • All our images are based on minideb -a minimalist Debian based container image that gives you a small base container image and the familiarity of a leading Linux distribution- or scratch -an explicitly empty image-.
  • All Bitnami images available in Docker Hub are signed with Notation. Check this post to know how to verify the integrity of the images.
  • Bitnami container images are released on a regular basis with the latest distribution packages available.

Looking to use Pgpool-II in production? Try VMware Tanzu Application Catalog, the commercial edition of the Bitnami catalog.

How to deploy Pgpool-II in Kubernetes?

Deploying Bitnami applications as Helm Charts is the easiest way to get started with our applications on Kubernetes. Read more about the installation in the Bitnami PostgreSQL HA Chart GitHub repository.

Bitnami containers can be used with Kubeapps for deployment and management of Helm Charts in clusters.

Why use a non-root container?

Non-root container images add an extra layer of security and are generally recommended for production environments. However, because they run as a non-root user, privileged tasks are typically off-limits. Learn more about non-root containers in our docs.

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

Learn more about the Bitnami tagging policy and the difference between rolling tags and immutable tags in our documentation page.

You can see the equivalence between the different tags by taking a look at the tags-info.yaml file present in the branch folder, i.e bitnami/ASSET/BRANCH/DISTRO/tags-info.yaml.

Subscribe to project updates by watching the bitnami/containers GitHub repo.

Get this image

The recommended way to get the Bitnami Pgpool-II Docker Image is to pull the prebuilt image from the Docker Hub Registry.

docker pull bitnami/pgpool:latest

To use a specific version, you can pull a versioned tag. You can view the list of available versions in the Docker Hub Registry.

docker pull bitnami/pgpool:[TAG]

If you wish, you can also build the image yourself by cloning the repository, changing to the directory containing the Dockerfile and executing the docker build command. Remember to replace the APP, VERSION and OPERATING-SYSTEM path placeholders in the example command below with the correct values.

git clone
docker build -t bitnami/APP:latest .

Connecting to other containers

Using Docker container networking, a different server running inside a container can easily be accessed by your application containers and vice-versa.

Containers attached to the same network can communicate with each other using the container name as the hostname.

Using the Command Line

In this example, we will create a PostgreSQL client instance that will connect to the pgpool instance that is running on the same docker network as the client.

Step 1: Create a network

docker network create my-network --driver bridge

Step 2: Launch 2 postgresql-repmgr containers to be used as backend within your network

Use the --network <NETWORK> argument to the docker run command to attach the container to the my-network network.

docker run --detach --rm --name pg-0 \
  --network my-network \
  --env REPMGR_PARTNER_NODES=pg-0,pg-1 \
  --env REPMGR_NODE_NAME=pg-0 \
  --env REPMGR_PRIMARY_HOST=pg-0 \
  --env REPMGR_PASSWORD=repmgrpass \
  --env POSTGRESQL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=adminpassword \
  --env POSTGRESQL_USERNAME=customuser \
  --env POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=custompassword \
  --env POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=customdatabase \
docker run --detach --rm --name pg-1 \
  --network my-network \
  --env REPMGR_PARTNER_NODES=pg-0,pg-1 \
  --env REPMGR_NODE_NAME=pg-1 \
  --env REPMGR_PRIMARY_HOST=pg-0 \
  --env REPMGR_PASSWORD=repmgrpass \
  --env POSTGRESQL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=adminpassword \
  --env POSTGRESQL_USERNAME=customuser \
  --env POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=custompassword \
  --env POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=customdatabase \

Step 3: Launch the pgpool container within your network

Use the --network <NETWORK> argument to the docker run command to attach the container to the my-network network.

docker run --detach --rm --name pgpool \
  --network my-network \
  --env PGPOOL_BACKEND_NODES=0:pg-0:5432,1:pg-1:5432 \
  --env PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_USER=customuser \
  --env PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_PASSWORD=custompassword \
  --env PGPOOL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=adminpassword \
  --env PGPOOL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=adminpassword \

Step 4: Launch your PostgreSQL client instance

Finally we create a new container instance to launch the PostgreSQL client and connect to the server created in the previous step:

docker run -it --rm \
  --network my-network \
  bitnami/postgresql:10 \
  psql -h pgpool -U customuser -d customdatabase
Using a Docker Compose file

When not specified, Docker Compose automatically sets up a new network and attaches all deployed services to that network. However, we will explicitly define a new bridge network named my-network. In this example we assume that you want to connect to the Pgpool server from your own custom application image which is identified in the following snippet by the service name myapp.

version: '2'

    driver: bridge
    image: bitnami/postgresql-repmgr:14
      - 5432
      - pg_0_data:/bitnami/postgresql
      - POSTGRESQL_USERNAME=customuser
      - POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=custompassword
      - POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=customdatabase
      - REPMGR_PASSWORD=repmgrpassword
      - REPMGR_PARTNER_NODES=pg-0,pg-1
      - REPMGR_NODE_NAME=pg-0
    image: bitnami/postgresql-repmgr:14
      - 5432
      - pg_1_data:/bitnami/postgresql
      - POSTGRESQL_USERNAME=customuser
      - POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=custompassword
      - POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=customdatabase
      - REPMGR_PASSWORD=repmgrpassword
      - REPMGR_PARTNER_NODES=pg-0,pg-1
      - REPMGR_NODE_NAME=pg-1
    image: bitnami/pgpool:4
      - 5432:5432
      - PGPOOL_BACKEND_NODES=0:pg-0:5432,1:pg-1:5432
      - PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_USER=customuser
      - PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_PASSWORD=custompassword
      - PGPOOL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=adminpassword
      - PGPOOL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=adminpassword
      test: ["CMD", "/opt/bitnami/scripts/pgpool/"]
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 5
      - my-network
    driver: local
    driver: local


  1. Please update the YOUR_APPLICATION_IMAGE_ placeholder in the above snippet with your application image
  2. In your application container, use the hostname pgpool to connect to the PostgreSQL server

Launch the containers using:

docker-compose up -d


Setting up a HA PostgreSQL cluster with pgpool, streaming replication and repmgr

A HA PostgreSQL cluster with Pgpool, Streaming replication and repmgr can easily be setup with the Bitnami PostgreSQL with Replication Manager and Pgpool Docker Images using the following environment variables:

Pgpool configuration:

  • PGPOOL_PASSWORD_FILE: Path to a file that contains the password for the custom user set in the PGPOOL_USERNAME environment variable. This will override the value specified in PGPOOL_PASSWORD. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_PERIOD: Specifies the time interval in seconds to check the streaming replication delay. Defaults to 30.
  • PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_USER: Username to use to perform streaming checks. This is the user that is used to check that streaming replication is working. Typically, this is the user owner of the 'repmgr' database. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_PASSWORD: Password to use to perform streaming checks. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_PASSWORD_FILE: Path to a file that contains the password to use to perform streaming checks. This will override the value specified in PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_PASSWORD. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_DATABASE: Database to use to perform streaming checks. Defaults to postgres.
  • PGPOOL_BACKEND_NODES: Comma separated list of backend nodes in the cluster. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_ENABLE_LDAP: Whether to enable LDAP authentication. Defaults to no.
  • PGPOOL_DISABLE_LOAD_BALANCE_ON_WRITE: Specify load balance behavior after write queries appear ('off', 'transaction', 'trans_transaction', 'always'). Defaults to 'transaction'
  • PGPOOL_ENABLE_LOAD_BALANCING: Whether to enable Load-Balancing mode. Defaults to yes.
  • PGPOOL_ENABLE_STATEMENT_LOAD_BALANCING: Whether to decide the load balancing node for each read query. Defaults to no.
  • PGPOOL_ENABLE_POOL_HBA: Whether to use the pool_hba.conf authentication. Defaults to yes.
  • PGPOOL_ENABLE_POOL_PASSWD: Whether to use a password file specified by PGPOOL_PASSWD_FILE for authentication. Defaults to yes.
  • PGPOOL_PASSWD_FILE: The password file for authentication. Defaults to pool_passwd.
  • PGPOOL_NUM_INIT_CHILDREN: The number of preforked Pgpool-II server processes. It is also the concurrent connections limit to Pgpool-II from clients. Defaults to 32.
  • PGPOOL_RESERVED_CONNECTIONS: When this parameter is set to 1 or greater, incoming connections from clients are not accepted with error message "Sorry, too many clients already", rather than blocked if the number of current connections from clients is more than (num_init_children - reserved_connections). Defaults to 0.
  • PGPOOL_MAX_POOL: The maximum number of cached connections in each child process. Defaults to 15.
  • PGPOOL_CHILD_MAX_CONNECTIONS: Specifies the lifetime of a Pgpool-II child process in terms of the number of client connections it can receive. Pgpool-II will terminate the child process after it has served child_max_connections client connections and will immediately spawn a new child process to take its place. Defaults to 0 which turns off the feature.
  • PGPOOL_CHILD_LIFE_TIME: The time in seconds to terminate a Pgpool-II child process if it remains idle. Defaults to 300.
  • PGPOOL_CLIENT_IDLE_LIMIT: The time in seconds to disconnect a client if it remains idle since the last query. Defaults to 0 which turns off the feature.
  • PGPOOL_CONNECTION_LIFE_TIME: The time in seconds to terminate the cached connections to the PostgreSQL backend. Defaults to 0 which turns off the feature.
  • PGPOOL_ENABLE_LOG_PER_NODE_STATEMENT: Log every SQL statement for each DB node separately. Defaults to no.
  • PGPOOL_ENABLE_LOG_CONNECTIONS: Log all client connections. Defaults to no.
  • PGPOOL_ENABLE_LOG_HOSTNAME: Log the client hostname instead of IP address. Defaults to no.
  • PGPOOL_LOG_LINE_PREFIX: Define the format of the log entry lines. Find in the official Pgpool documentation the string parameters. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_CLIENT_MIN_MESSAGES: Set the minimum message levels are sent to the client. Find in the official Pgpool documentation the supported values. Defaults to notice.
  • PGPOOL_POSTGRES_USERNAME: Postgres administrator user name, this will be use to allow postgres admin authentication through Pgpool.
  • PGPOOL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Password for the user set in PGPOOL_POSTGRES_USERNAME environment variable. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_ADMIN_USERNAME: Username for the pgpool administrator. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_ADMIN_PASSWORD: Password for the user set in PGPOOL_ADMIN_USERNAME environment variable. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_HEALTH_CHECK_USER: Specifies the PostgreSQL user name to perform health check. Defaults to value set in PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_USER.
  • PGPOOL_HEALTH_CHECK_PASSWORD: Specifies the PostgreSQL user password to perform health check. Defaults to value set in PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_PASSWORD.
  • PGPOOL_HEALTH_CHECK_PERIOD: Specifies the interval between the health checks in seconds. Defaults to 30.
  • PGPOOL_HEALTH_CHECK_TIMEOUT: Specifies the timeout in seconds to give up connecting to the backend PostgreSQL if the TCP connect does not succeed within this time. Defaults to 10.
  • PGPOOL_HEALTH_CHECK_MAX_RETRIES: Specifies the maximum number of retries to do before giving up and initiating failover when health check fails. Defaults to 5.
  • PGPOOL_HEALTH_CHECK_RETRY_DELAY: Specifies the amount of time in seconds to sleep between failed health check retries. Defaults to 5.
  • PGPOOL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds before giving up connecting to backend using connect() system call. Default is 10000.
  • PGPOOL_HEALTH_CHECK_PSQL_TIMEOUT: Specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds function pgpool_healthcheck() waits for result of show pool_nodes command. It is set to PGCONNECT_TIMEOUT of respective psql execution. Default is 15.
  • PGPOOL_USER_CONF_FILE: Configuration file to be added to the generated config file. This allow to override configuration set by the initializacion process. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_USER_HBA_FILE: Configuration file to be added to the generated hba file. This allow to override configuration set by the initialization process. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_POSTGRES_CUSTOM_USERS: List of comma or semicolon separeted list of postgres usernames. This will create entries in pgpool_passwd. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_POSTGRES_CUSTOM_PASSWORDS: List of comma or semicolon separated list for postgresql user passwords. These are the corresponding passwords for the users in PGPOOL_POSTGRES_CUSTOM_USERS. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_AUTO_FAILBACK: Enables pgpool [auto_failback]( Default to no.
  • PGPOOL_BACKEND_APPLICATION_NAMES: Comma separated list of backend nodes application_name. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD: Specifies the authentication method('md5', 'scram-sha-256'). Defaults to scram-sha-256.
  • PGPOOL_AES_KEY: Specifies the AES encryption key used for 'scram-sha-256' passwords. Defaults to random string.

PostgreSQL with Replication Manager:

  • POSTGRESQL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Password for postgres user. No defaults.
  • POSTGRESQL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE: Path to a file that contains the postgres user password. This will override the value specified in POSTGRESQL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD. No defaults.
  • POSTGRESQL_USERNAME: Custom user to access the database. No defaults.
  • POSTGRESQL_DATABASE: Custom database to be created on first run. No defaults.
  • POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD: Password for the custom user set in the POSTGRESQL_USERNAME environment variable. No defaults.
  • POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD_FILE: Path to a file that contains the password for the custom user set in the POSTGRESQL_USERNAME environment variable. This will override the value specified in POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD. No defaults.
  • REPMGR_USERNAME: Username for repmgr user. Defaults to repmgr.
  • REPMGR_PASSWORD_FILE: Path to a file that contains the repmgr user password. This will override the value specified in REPMGR_PASSWORD. No defaults.
  • REPMGR_PASSWORD: Password for repmgr user. No defaults.
  • REPMGR_PRIMARY_HOST: Hostname of the initial primary node. No defaults.
  • REPMGR_PARTNER_NODES: Comma separated list of partner nodes in the cluster. No defaults.
  • REPMGR_NODE_NAME: Node name. No defaults.
  • REPMGR_NODE_NETWORK_NAME: Node hostname. No defaults.
  • POSTGRESQL_CLUSTER_APP_NAME: Node application_name. In the case you are enabling auto_failback, each node needs a different name. Defaults to walreceiver.

In a HA PostgreSQL cluster you can have one primary and zero or more standby nodes. The primary node is in read-write mode, while the standby nodes are in read-only mode. For best performance its advisable to limit the reads to the standby nodes.

Step 1: Create a network and the initial primary node

The first step is to start the initial primary node:

docker network create my-network --driver bridge
docker run --detach --name pg-0 \
  --network my-network \
  --env REPMGR_PARTNER_NODES=pg-0,pg-1 \
  --env REPMGR_NODE_NAME=pg-0 \
  --env REPMGR_PRIMARY_HOST=pg-0 \
  --env REPMGR_PASSWORD=repmgrpass \
  --env POSTGRESQL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=adminpassword \
  --env POSTGRESQL_USERNAME=customuser \
  --env POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=custompassword \
  --env POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=customdatabase \

Step 2: Create a standby node

Next we start a standby node:

docker run --detach --name pg-1 \
  --network my-network \
  --env REPMGR_PARTNER_NODES=pg-0,pg-1 \
  --env REPMGR_NODE_NAME=pg-1 \
  --env REPMGR_PRIMARY_HOST=pg-0 \
  --env REPMGR_PASSWORD=repmgrpass \
  --env REPMGR_PASSWORD=repmgrpass \
  --env POSTGRESQL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=adminpassword \
  --env POSTGRESQL_USERNAME=customuser \
  --env POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=custompassword \
  --env POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=customdatabase \

Step 3: Create the pgpool instance

docker run --detach --rm --name pgpool \
  --network my-network \
  --env PGPOOL_BACKEND_NODES=0:pg-0:5432,1:pg-1:5432 \
  --env PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_USER=postgres \
  --env PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_PASSWORD=adminpassword \
  --env PGPOOL_USERNAME=customuser \
  --env PGPOOL_PASSWORD=custompassword \

With these three commands you now have a two node PostgreSQL primary-standby streaming replication cluster using Pgpool as proxy up and running. You can scale the cluster by adding/removing standby nodes without incurring any downtime.

Note: The cluster replicates the primary in its entirety, which includes all users and databases.

If the master goes down, repmgr will ensure any of the standby nodes takes the primary role, guaranteeing high availability.

Note: The configuration of the other nodes in the cluster needs to be updated so that they are aware of them. This would require you to restart the old nodes adapting the REPMGR_PARTNER_NODES environment variable. You also need to restart the Pgpoll instance adapting the PGPOOL_BACKEND_NODES environment variable.

With Docker Compose the HA PostgreSQL cluster can be setup using the docker-compose.yml file present in this repository:

curl -sSL > docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d
Initializing with custom scripts

Everytime the container is started, it will execute the files with extension .sh located at /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d after initializing Pgpool.

In order to have your custom files inside the docker image you can mount them as a volume. With docker-compose:

     image: bitnami/pgpool:4
       - 5432:5432
+    volumes:
+      - /path/to/init-scripts:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
       - PGPOOL_BACKEND_NODES=0:pg-0:5432,1:pg-1:5432
       - PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_USER=customuser
Securing Pgpool traffic

Pgpool supports the encryption of connections using the SSL/TLS protocol. Should you desire to enable this optional feature, you may use the following environment variables to configure the application:

  • PGPOOL_ENABLE_TLS: Whether to enable TLS for traffic or not. Defaults to no.
  • PGPOOL_TLS_CERT_FILE: File containing the certificate file for the TLS traffic. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_TLS_KEY_FILE: File containing the key for certificate. No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_TLS_CA_FILE: File containing the CA of the certificate. If provided, Pgpool will authenticate TLS/SSL clients by requesting them a certificate (see ref). No defaults.
  • PGPOOL_TLS_PREFER_SERVER_CIPHERS: Whether to use the server's TLS cipher preferences rather than the client's. Defaults to yes.

When enabling TLS, Pgpool will support both standard and encrypted traffic by default, but prefer the latter. Below there are some examples on how to quickly set up TLS traffic:

  1. Using docker run

    $ docker run \
        -v /path/to/certs:/opt/bitnami/pgpool/certs \
        -e ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes \
        -e PGPOOL_ENABLE_TLS=yes \
        -e PGPOOL_TLS_CERT_FILE=/opt/bitnami/pgpool/certs/postgres.crt \
        -e PGPOOL_TLS_KEY_FILE=/opt/bitnami/pgpool/certs/postgres.key \
  2. Modifying the docker-compose.yml file present in this repository:

          - PGPOOL_ENABLE_TLS=yes
          - PGPOOL_TLS_CERT_FILE=/opt/bitnami/pgpool/certs/postgres.crt
          - PGPOOL_TLS_KEY_FILE=/opt/bitnami/pgpool/certs/postgres.key
          - /path/to/certs:/opt/bitnami/pgpool/certs

Alternatively, you may also provide this configuration in your custom configuration file.

Configuration file

You can override the default configuration by providing a configuration file. Set PGPOOL_USER_CONF_FILE with the path of the file, and this will be added to the default configuration. You can override the default hba configuration by providing a hba configuration file. Set PGPOOL_USER_HBA_FILE with the path of the file, and this will overwrite the default hba configuration.

Step 1: Generate the configuration file
$ cat myconf.conf

Step 2: Run the Pgpool image

Run the Pgpool image, mounting a directory from your

Note: the README for this container is longer than the DockerHub length limit of 25000, so it has been trimmed. The full README can be found at

Docker Pull Command

docker pull bitnami/pgpool