
By blackflysolutions

Updated over 1 year ago

Simple rsync container.

Databases & Storage



This project is designed as a general purpose tool for backing up docker volumes.

I use it for a boutique drupal/civicrm hosting service, i.e. where I have a number of sites on multiple nodes.

For this purposes of this project a "backup" is defined by:

  1. A source, which is defined by a named volume, $VOLUME
  2. A destination "directory" and protocol.
  3. A process, by default 'rsync', potentially with various flags.

This image is designed to be invoked with a. the source volume mounted at /backup-source b. the destination typically a host directory bind-mounted as /destination-source, or else defined as an external url of some kind. c. the process by default as 'rsync', potentially something else, especially for the external url, including any parameters.

A simple example invocation to backup $VOLUME to /var/backup/docker/volume-backups/$VOLUME might be something like:

VOLUME=test; docker run --rm
--mount source=$VOLUME,target=/backup-source,readonly
--mount type=bind,source=/var/backup/docker/volume-backups/$VOLUME,target=/backup-dest
--mount type=bind,source=",target=/backup-dest
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/backups.json,target=/etc/backups.json,readonly
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/boto.config,target=/root/boto.config,readonly

which would result in this being executed in the container:

rsync -az /backup-source/ /backup-dest

and attempts to rsync to a remote host and a gcloud bucket, if so configured.


When backing up to an external cloud (for example), you'll need to fill in and mount the boto config file as /root/.boto to provide the credentials. An example is provided.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull blackflysolutions/backup-rsync