Jenkins Swarm Slave Dockerized and Parameterized! Easy to Use and Extend!
Installed Software:
Perfectly working with the following container: blacklabelops/jenkins
Blacklabelops swarm slaves can be found here: blacklabelops/swarm
In short, this container can be started arbitrary times and connect as build slaves to a Jenkins master instance. You need 10 Java JDK 8 build slaves? You want to start 6 build slaves on your co-workers machine? Use this!
First start a master!
$ docker run -d -p 8090:8080 --name jenkins blacklabelops/jenkins
This will pull the my jenkins container ready with swarm plugin and ready-to-use!
Now swarm the place!
$ docker run -d --link jenkins blacklabelops/jenkins-swarm
$ docker run -d --link jenkins blacklabelops/jenkins-swarm
$ docker run -d --link jenkins blacklabelops/jenkins-swarm
This will start 3 Java JDK 8 build slaves, each with 4 build processors! This setup will need no further setup as the swarm slave automatically connects to the linked jenkins.
Define your Jenkins master URL. This setup does not need linking. The URL can be specified
environment variable.
$ docker run -d \
Connects to Jenkins Master at
You can define additional swarm parameters specified in the swarm client documentation
Swarm Plugin Homepage. The swarm
parameters are simply attached and should not override parameters that are controlled by
environment variables, e.g. SWARM_MASTER_URL
Example defining the title and description of a swarm client with the environment variable
$ docker run -d \
--link jenkins:jenkins \
-e "SWARM_CLIENT_PARAMETERS=-name 'Super-Build' -description 'Super Client'" \
Authentication for the Jenkins master instance. Define username and password with the following environment variables:
$ docker run -d \
--link jenkins_jenkins_1:jenkins \
-e "SWARM_JENKINS_USER=jenkins" \
Note: Must be a valid Jenkins User for the Jenkins master instance.
Wanna try? Here, use this command for a suitable master:
$ docker run -d --name jenkins_jenkins_1 \
-e "SWARM_JENKINS_USER=jenkins" \
-p 8090:8080 \
You can limit or extending the number of build processors. Define the environment
. Default is 4.
$ docker run -d \
--link jenkins_jenkins_1:jenkins \
Labels are necessary when your swarm slaves run on different tools and JKDs. Define the environment
for your swarm-clients labels. Afterwards you can
define which jobs should run on which labels.
Label are defined as a Whitespace-separated list to be assigned for this slave. Multiple options are allowed.
$ docker run -d \
--link jenkins:jenkins \
-e "SWARM_CLIENT_LABELS=jdk8 java" \
Yes, this all works perfectly with HTTPS. Your communication and artifacts are safe!
$ docker run \
--link jenkins:jenkins \
-e "SWARM_MASTER_URL=https://jenkins:8080/" \
SSL verification is disabled by default. So you do not to place certificates inside the swarm client.
Wanna try? Here, use this command for a suitable master:
$ docker run -d --name jenkins \
-e "JENKINS_CERTIFICATE_DNAME=CN=SBleul,OU=Blacklabelops,,L=Munich,S=Bavaria,C=DE" \
-p 8090:8080 \
Master is available under https://docker-ip:8090
You can define start up parameters for the Java Virtual Machine, e.g. setting the memory size.
$ docker run \
--link jenkins:jenkins \
-e "SWARM_VM_PARAMETERS=-Xmx512m -Xms256m" \
You will have to use Java 8 parameters.
You can run the swarm slave solely with command line parameters!
$ docker run \
--link jenkins:jenkins \
blacklabelops/jenkins-swarm -master http://jenkins:8080
Will connect with linked master.
Example list parameters:
$ docker run blacklabelops/jenkins-swarm -help
Lists jenkins-swarm plugin parameters.
Example with jvm parameters:
$ docker run \
--link jenkins:jenkins \
-e "SWARM_VM_PARAMETERS=-Xmx512m -Xms256m" \
blacklabelops/jenkins-swarm -master http://jenkins:8080
Will connect with linked master.
Import the image inside your Dockerfile then just install all the tools you need. Start the container with the parameters described in this readme.
FROM blacklabelops/jenkins-swarm
# Need root to install tools via yum
USER root
# install toolset
RUN ...
# Switch back to container user
CMD ["swarm"]
Note: First check out this project!
Simply: You can match user, user id, group and group id to any user and groups on your host machine!
Due to security considerations this image is not running in root mode! The default process user inside the container is swarmslave
and the user's group is swarmslave
. This project offers a simplified mechanism for user- and group-mapping. You can set the user, user id, group and group id during build time.
The process permissions are relevant when using volumes and mounted folders from the host machine. Jenkins need read and write permissions on the host machine for correct mounting of host volumes. You can set this during build time.
The following build arguments can be used:
$ docker build \
--build-arg CONTAINER_USER=swarm \
--build-arg CONTAINER_GROUP=swarm \
--build-arg CONTAINER_UID=2000 \
--build-arg CONTAINER_GID=2000 \
-t blacklabelops/jenkins-swarm .
The container will write and read files with user swarm with UID 2000 and group swarm with GID 2000.
Check It Out:
$ docker run -it --rm blacklabelops/jenkins-swarm id
Prints its user details on console.
uid=2000(swarm) gid=2000(swarm) groups=2000(swarm)
Note: First check out this project!
Vagrant is fabulous tool for pulling and spinning up virtual machines like docker with containers. I can configure my development and test environment and simply pull it online. And so can you! Install Vagrant and Virtualbox and spin it up. Change into the project folder and build the project on the spot!
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ cd /vagrant
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ ./scripts/
Builds the container with standard settings.
Vagrant does not leave any docker artifacts on your beloved desktop and the vagrant image can simply be destroyed and repulled if anything goes wrong. Test my project to your heart's content!
First install:
Leave a message and ask questions on Hipchat: blacklabelops/hipchat
docker pull blacklabelops/jenkins-swarm