Jenkins Swarm Slave with Docker Cli
Deprecated: According to this article Docker-in-Docker for your CI or testing environment? Think twice. by Jérôme Petazzoni you will run into several problems when you integrate Docker into your CI-System with this image. I agree, because I ran into several performance issues using it.
Solution: Use my image that is reusing the socket of your Docker host: blacklabelops/swarm-dockerhost
Check this project on how to configure a swarm slave: blacklabelops/jenkins-swarm
In short, you can use Docker CLI commands inside a Jenkins slave.
First start a master!
$ docker run -d -p 8090:8080 --name jenkins blacklabelops/jenkins
This will pull the my jenkins container ready with swarm plugin and ready-to-use!
Then start a Docker demon container!
$ docker run -d --privileged --name docker_demon docker:1.9.1-dind
The swarm-slave does not run a docker demon itself! We use the official Docker image to create one for all slaves.
Now start the build slave!
$ docker run -d \
--link jenkins:jenkins \
--link docker_demon:docker \
CLI commands will be available.
The slave can be started and login in a remote repository. The default is the dockerhub registry.
With the environment variables:
$ docker run -d \
--link jenkins:jenkins \
--link docker_demon:docker \
-e "DOCKER_REGISTRY_USER=**Your_Account_Username**" \
-e "DOCKER_REGISTRY_EMAIL=**Your_Account_Email**" \
-e "DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=**Your_Account_Password**" \
Will login the user to Dockerhub and save the credentials locally for repository pulls and pushes.
The default for this container is If you want to use another remote repository, e.g. then Your_Account_Email can specify the repository with the environment variable DOCKER_REGISTRY.
$ docker run -d \
--link jenkins:jenkins \
--link docker_demon:docker \
-e ""
-e "DOCKER_REGISTRY_USER=**Your_Account_Username**" \
-e "DOCKER_REGISTRY_EMAIL=**Your_Account_Email**" \
-e "DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=**Your_Account_Password**" \
Will login to with the specified credentials.
docker pull blacklabelops/swarm-docker