
By bobrik

Updated over 8 years ago



Collect ceph metrics to graphite

This is dockerized version of collectd-elasticsearch. You only need docker to run this, elasticsearch to monitor and graphite to store metrics.


docker run -d -e GRAPHITE_HOST=<graphite host> -e ES_HOST=<es host> \
  -e ES_CLUSTER=<es cluster name> bobrik/collectd-elasticsearch

Environment variables:

  • GRAPHITE_HOST - host where carbon is listening for data.
  • GRAPHITE_PORT - port where carbon is listening for data, 2003 by default.
  • GRAPHITE_PREFIX - prefix for metrics in graphite, collectd. by default.
  • ES_CLUSTER - elasticsearch cluster name to use in graphite.
  • ES_HOST - elasticsearch host to monitor.
  • ES_PORT - elasticsearch port number, 9200 by default.
  • ES_VERSION - 0.9 or 1.0 as in collectd-elasticsearch plugin, 1.0 by default.


Docker Pull Command

docker pull bobrik/collectd-elasticsearch