
By boomi

Updated 3 months ago




The connector-deployment image is used to deploy your connector archive file to Boomi AtomSphere.

Image includes:

  • A minimal Alpine base image.
  • Code to upload your custom connector to your Boomi AtomSphere developer account.


  • This docker repository contains only 2 tags development and release.
  • The current supported version is tagged with release.



This image takes valid Boomi AtomSphere user credentials in order to execute successfully. The recommended way to supply your credentials is by generating an AtomSphere API Token. When you are using a token, be sure to supply the username in the proper format.

For example:

Note: We must prepend BOOMI_TOKEN. to the username when using tokens.


This image uses Connector Deployment AtomSphere APIs, so in order to execute this image successfully, your user must first have appropriate AtomSphere account privileges.

API AccessUse the Boomi API to access account data.
DeveloperCreate and publish new components using the Boomi SDKs

The executing user must have the above privileges assigned in order for this to work.

How to use this image

Issue the following Docker run command with appropriate environment variables:

docker run --rm \
-v </path/to/connector/archive/directory>:/app \
-w /app \
-e PLATFORM_USERNAME=<platform-username> \
-e PLATFORM_PASSWORD=<platform-password> \
-e PLATFORM_ACCOUNT_ID=<platform-account-id> \
-e CONNECTOR_GROUP_TYPE=<connector-group-type> \
-e CONNECTOR_CLASSIFICATION_TYPE=<connector-classification-type> \
-e CAR_PATH=<path-to-connector-archive-file> \
-e DEBUG=<true-or-false> \

Note: You should replace <> with appropriate values as described

If you do not already have a local copy of the image, this command pulls the image automatically.

After the command runs, the program will attempt to upload your connector archive file to the target Boomi AtomSphere Account.

Bitbucket Pipeline Usage

This image is intended to be used within your Bitbucket repository, with Bitbucket Pipelines CI tools.

  • Here is an example step in your Bitbucket repository's bitbucket-pipelines.yml file:
    - step: 
        name: Connector Deployment # Display name in the pipeline
          - pipe: docker://boomi/connector-deployment:release
              CAR_PATH: "build/**/*.zip"
              DEBUG: "true"
          - docker

Note: The values that start with a $ are replacement variables in Bitbucket. They are used to obfuscate secrets and sensitive information.

Environment Variables

You can adjust the configurations by passing one or more environment variables on the docker run command line or the variables section of your Bitbucket Pipeline step.

PLATFORM_USERNAMERequiredPlatform username.
If the username is and you generate an AtomSphere token, then this username may be
PLATFORM_PASSWORDRequiredPlatform password.
This may be the username login password, or the token that is generated in AtomSphere.
PLATFORM_HOSTOptionalPlatform host URL (defaults to
PLATFORM_ACCOUNT_IDRequiredThe account ID associated with the username
CONNECTOR_GROUP_TYPERequiredA valid connector group type from your Account Developer section.
If my account is boomi_dev-L7QK2E and connector group is Test Connector, then my CONNECTOR_GROUP_TYPE might be boomi_dev-L7QK2E-testco. This can be retrieved from the Developer section.
CONNECTOR_CLASSIFICATION_TYPEOptionalIf a valid type is provided, an attempt will be made to set the new version as 'active' (will fail for PUBLIC classifications).
If my account is boomi_dev-L7QK2E, connector group is Test Connector, and my Classification is prod then my CONNECTOR_CLASSIFICATION_TYPE might be boomi_dev-L7QK2E-testco-prod. This can be retrieved from the Developer section.
CAR_PATHRequiredEither the path to directory containing the CAR zip, path to the CAR zip file, or wild card designation for the CAR zip file
CHANGE_LOGOptionalIf provided, it will be used in the change log description for the CAR upload (default: Bitbucket pipeline execution information, if available)
DEBUGOptionalSet to true to print out additional DEBUG information during execution


Docker Pull Command

docker pull boomi/connector-deployment