
By boomi

Updated 3 months ago




The upload-artifact image is used to upload artifacts (files) to Bitbucket. Supports up to 10 files totaling a maximum of 800MB per execution.

Image includes:

Note: You must be a Boomi Technology Partner in order to use this image.


  • This docker repository contains only 2 tags development and release.
  • The current supported version is tagged with release.

How to use this image

Issue the following Docker run command with appropriate environment variables:

docker run --rm \
-v </path/to/files/to/upload>:/app \
-w /app \
-e BOOMI_TOKEN=<boomi-provided-token> \
-e ARTIFACT_NAME=<names-of-files-to-upload> \
-e ACCOUNT=<bitbucket-workspace> \
-e REPOSITORY=<bitbucket-repository-slug> \
-e DEBUG=<true-or-false> \

Note: You should replace <> with appropriate values as described

If you do not already have a local copy of the image, this command pulls the image automatically.

After the command runs, the program will authenticate with Boomi and, if successful, will upload desired files to the target Bitbucket Repository's Downloads section.

Bitbucket Pipeline Usage

This image is intended to be used within your Bitbucket repository, with Bitbucket Pipelines CI tools.

  • Here is an example step in your Bitbucket repository's bitbucket-pipelines.yml file:
    - step:
        name: Upload to Bitbucket
          - pipe: docker://boomi/upload-artifact:release
              ARTIFACT_NAME: "build/**/*.zip"
              DEBUG: 'true'
          - docker

Note: The values that start with a $ are replacement variables in Bitbucket. They are used to obfuscate secrets and sensitive information.

Environment Variables

You can adjust the configurations by passing one or more environment variables on the docker run command line or the variables section of your Bitbucket Pipeline step.

BOOMI_TOKENRequiredToken provided by the Boomi Technology Partner program. Accessible in Bitbucket pipelines with $BOOMI_TOKEN.
ARTIFACT_NAMERequiredPath to target file(s). Can include space delimited paths and/or wild cards (*, **) to indicate more than one artifact.
ACCOUNTRequired - unless in the context of a Bitbucket pipeline executionBitbucket Workspace (account owner) where the upload should occur.
REPOSITORYRequired - unless in the context of a Bitbucket pipeline executionBitbucket repository slug where the upload should occur.
BITBUCKET_KEYOptionalBitbucket Oauth Consumer Key for authenticating with Bitbucket - Not needed for officialboomi workspace.
BITBUCKET_SECRETOptionalBitbucket Oauth Consumer Secret for authenticating with Bitbucket - Not needed for officialboomi workspace.
DEBUGOptionalSet to true to print out additional DEBUG information during execution


Docker Pull Command

docker pull boomi/upload-artifact