
By broadinstitute

Updated over 6 years ago

Official release repository for GATK versions 3.x



Genome Analysis Toolkit

Developed by the Data Science and Data Engineering group at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size.

For more information about GATK, see


The versions of GATK in this repository are licensed by the Broad Institute and are made available for free to academic users for non-commercial use only pursuant to the licensing terms below, and to other authorized licensees pursuant to the terms of their respective licenses, in each case for use within this pipeline only. The full text of the academic license for non-commercial use of GATK is available here. For commercial licensing information, please email

Note that future versions of GATK, starting with GATK4, are fully open source under a BSD (3-clause) license.

Later versions

For GATK4 docker images (and later), see

Docker Pull Command

docker pull broadinstitute/gatk3