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By Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Updated 3 months ago

Docker image with OmpSs-2@FPGA toolchain for arm64 and x86_64 architectures

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OmpSs-2@FPGA Docker Image

This docker image contains and pre-configured environment to build OmpSs-2@FPGA applications targeting FPGA devices for the following architectures:

  • ARM 64bits (aarch64-linux-gnu)
  • x86_64 (x86_64-linux-gnu)

The image is build using the Dockerfile and for each git tag.

General information

The image does not contain an installation of Xilinx tools (like VivadoHLS or Vivado), neither an installation petalinux tools or a build of a petalinux project. These tools will be needed to generate the board bitstreams and/or generate the boot files. The image contains different Mercurium installations to cross-compile applications for each architecture. In addition, it contains the required libraries, which the applications will be linked against, in the /opt/install-XXXX folder.

The default image user is ompss, and its password is ompss.


  • Docker
  • Xilinx Vivado (recommended 2018.3 or higher)
  • Vivado license for the target device
  • [Optional for BOOT.BIN generation] Petalinux


The following commands show how to pull the docker image for DockerHUB and start a container. Usually, you will need to map the folders where you have the Xilinx tools installed (e.g. /opt/xilinx) and maybe the petalinux tools and build (e.g. /opt/petalinux). Moreover, you may need to add the folder where your application source code is (e.g. $HOME).

docker pull bscpm/ompss_at_fpga
docker run -it \
	-v /opt/xilinx/:/opt/xilinx/ \
	-v /opt/petalinux/:/opt/petalinux/ \
	-v $HOME:$HOME \
	-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
	-v /media/:/media/ \
	--network host \
	bscpm/ompss_at_fpga bash

NOTE: In order for Xilinx tools and petalinux to run correctly, paths inside the container should be the same as installation path.

Docker run options

  • -v host_directory:container_directory Binds a directory in the host into the container
  • -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix Display server resources available in the container
  • -e DISPLAY=DISPLAY Set the DISPLAY environment variable
  • --network host Set the container network
  • --rm Remove the created container after it exits

Docker Pull Command

docker pull bscpm/ompss_2_at_fpga