
By camptocamp

Updated 4 days ago

This image syncs a local geoserver datadir with a remote git repository, for backup purposes



Automatic geoserver datadir volume backup and restore to/from github

This repository is the source of the camptocamp/geoserver-datadir-sync image on Docker Hub.

The image provides an easy way to git commit the content of geoserver datadir every time the global.xml file is updated. This image expects to find the datadir volume mounted in rw mode on /var/local/data.

The file to watch for changes should also be contained in this directory. Internally, we're using inotifywait to watch the file.

When change is detected, the script performs the commit and optionally pushes to a remote repository.

At startup, if a remote repository is configured a clone of this repository is done in the volume. If volume is not empty, you will need to set FORCE_CLONE var to 'yes' to force a cleanup of the volume. If the volume is already verionned (contains a .git folder) then git remote is updated and local repository is updated to the last commit of configured branch.

Example usage:

  image: camptocamp/geoserver-datadir-sync
    WATCH_FILE: global.xml
    GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE: printf "updateSequence "; grep updateSequence global.xml|sed -e 's#.*ce>\(.*\)</up.*#\1#'
    GIT_USERNAME: fvanderbiest
    - geoserver_datadir:/var/local/data:rw

If WATCH_FILE environment is not set, volume will only be bootstraped from remote git repository. Note that entrypoint will stop just after volume bootstrap so you should configure container restart policy.

Required environment for watching:

  • WATCH_FILE: file to watch (path relative to volume root)
  • GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE: string or expression evaluated in the volume to provide a commit message
  • GIT_USERNAME: git username for commit
  • GIT_EMAIL: git email for commit

To push to a repository, these additional variables are required:

  • REMOTE_NAME: name of the git remote, eg origin
  • REMOTE_URL: git repository URL

Optional environment:

  • REMOTE_BRANCH: Remote branch to use. Defaults to master.
  • FORCE_CLONE: Delete volume content before cloning remote repository

To use SSH authentication to access remote repository, one of following variables must be set:

  • GIT_RSA_DEPLOY_KEY: Private RSA key to use (eg: GitHub deploy keys)
  • GIT_RSA_DEPLOY_KEY_FILE: Path to a file containing the private RSA key to use

WARNING: the git push command performs a forced update to the master branch, which might result in data loss !


  • SLEEPING_TIME: if WATCH_FILE does not exist at startup, time to wait before a new check starts. Defaults to 1 sec.


In the tests folder there's a docker-compose file to easily create a testing environment.

The Dockerfile in the tests/geoserver_mock directory creates an image whose purpose is to periodically update the contents of a docker volume. It kind of mimics what GeoServer does to its config directory and is a lightweight alternative.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull camptocamp/geoserver-datadir-sync