Prometheus PuppetDB SD is a PuppetDB based service discovery tool for Prometheus. It queries PuppetDB to retrieve a list of targets and output Prometheus configuration to scrape the discovered targets.
$ go get
prometheus-puppetdb-sd [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-V, --version Display version.
-m, --manpage Output manpage.
-s, --sleep= Sleep time between queries. (default: 5s) [$SLEEP]
PuppetDB Client Options:
-u, --puppetdb.url= PuppetDB base URL. (default: http://puppetdb:8080) [$PUPPETDB_URL]
-x, --puppetdb.cert-file= A PEM encoded certificate file. [$PUPPETDB_CERT_FILE]
-y, --puppetdb.key-file= A PEM encoded private key file. [$PUPPETDB_KEY_FILE]
-z, --puppetdb.cacert-file= A PEM encoded CA's certificate file. [$PUPPETDB_CACERT_FILE]
-k, --puppetdb.ssl-skip-verify Skip SSL verification. [$PUPPETDB_SSL_SKIP_VERIFY]
-q, --puppetdb.query= PuppetDB query. (default: resources[certname, parameters] { type = 'Prometheus::Scrape_job' and exported = true }) [$PUPPETDB_QUERY]
Prometheus Service Discovery Options:
--prometheus.proxy-url= Prometheus target scraping proxy URL. [$PROMETHEUS_PROXY_URL]
Output Configuration:
-o, --output.method=[stdout|file|k8s-secret] Output method. (default: stdout) [$OUTPUT_METHOD]
--output.format=[scrape-configs|static-configs|merged-static-configs] Output format. (default: scrape-configs) [$OUTPUT_FORMAT]
File Output Configuration:
-f, --output.file.filename= Output filename. (default: puppetdb-sd.yml) [$OUTPUT_FILENAME]
--output.file.filename-pattern= Output filename pattern ('*' is the placeholder). (default: *.yml) [$OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN] Output directory. (default: /etc/prometheus/puppetdb-sd) [$OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
Kubernetes Secret Output Configuration:
--output.k8s-secret.secret-name= Kubernetes secret name. [$OUTPUT_K8S_SECRET_NAME]
--output.k8s-secret.namespace= Kubernetes namespace. [$OUTPUT_K8S_NAMESPACE]
--output.k8s-secret.object-labels= Labels to add to Kubernetes objects. (default: [$OUTPUT_K8S_OBJECT_LABELS]
--output.k8s-secret.secret-key= Kubernetes secret key. [$OUTPUT_K8S_SECRET_KEY]
--output.k8s-secret.secret-key-pattern= Kubernetes secret key pattern ('*' is the placeholder). [$OUTPUT_K8S_SECRET_KEY_PATTERN]
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Prometheus PuppetDB SD works by querying PuppetDB for Prometheus::Scrape_job
exported resources. These resources comes from the Prometheus Puppet module either by setting the export_scrape_job
parameter to true
when using the module's exporter classes or the module's defined type prometheus::daemon
, or by using the module's defined type prometheus::scrape_job
Prometheus PuppetDB SD then build a Prometheus scrape configuration list from the discovered targets and output it using the chosen method and format.
docker pull camptocamp/prometheus-puppetdb-sd