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By camunda services GmbH

Updated almost 4 years ago

Simple monitoring application to show insides of Zeebe flows maintained by the community

Integration & Delivery
Monitoring & Observability


Zeebe Simple Monitor


A monitoring application for Zeebe. It is designed for developers to

  • get in touch with Zeebe and workflow execution (BPMN)
  • test workflows manually
  • provide insides on how workflows are executed

The application imports the data from Zeebe using the Hazelcast exporter. It aggregates the data and stores it into a (in-memory) database. The data is displayed on server-side rendered HTML pages.

How to run

docker run -d --name zeebe-simple-monitor -p 8080:8080 camunda/zeebe-simple-monitor:latest

Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:8080

Docker Installation

The docker image for the worker is published to GitHub Packages.

docker pull
  • ensure that a Zeebe broker is running with a Hazelcast exporter (>= 1.0.0)
  • forward the Hazelcast port to the docker container (default: 5701)
  • configure the connection to the Zeebe broker by setting (default: localhost:26500)
  • configure the connection to Hazelcast by setting zeebe.client.worker.hazelcast.connection (default: localhost:5701)

For a local setup, the repository contains a docker-compose file. It starts a Zeebe broker with the Hazelcast exporter and the application.

mvn clean install -DskipTests
cd docker
docker-compose up

Go to http://localhost:8082

Please see the repo for more installation instructions.

Further information

See the README on GitHub.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull camunda/zeebe-simple-monitor