
By cdzombak

Updated 6 months ago

Generate an iCal feed from the forecast API




wxcal generates an iCal feed from forecast data for a given location. The resulting feed has an all-day event for today and for each of the following 6 days; each event contains a summary of the forecast for that day along with the day's sunrise & sunset times.

For an example feed generated with this tool, see

Optionally, wxcal can also generate a sunrise/sunset specific calendar alongside the forecast calendar.


wxcal [-flag value] [...]

  -calDomain string
        The calendar's domain (eg. "") (required)
  -calLocation string
        The name of the calendar's location (eg. "Ann Arbor, MI") (required)
  -evtTitlePrefix string
        An optional prefix to be inserted before each event's title
  -icalFile string
        Path/filename for iCal output file (required)
  -lat float
        The forecast location's latitude (eg. "42.27") (default 42.27)
  -lon float
        The forecast location's longitude (eg. "-83.74") (default -83.74)
  -sunIcalFile string
        Optional path/filename for sunrise/sunset iCal output file

Additionally, wxcal -version will print the version number and exit.


This invocation, run periodically via cron, generates the example feed mentioned above (

wxcal -calDomain -calLocation "Ann Arbor, MI" -lat 42.27 -lon "-83.74" -icalFile "/home/cdzombak/wxcal/public/Ann-Arbor-MI.ics" -evtTitlePrefix "[A2]"

This invocation generates two feeds, one for Chelsea weather and another for Chelsea sunrise/sunset:

wxcal -calDomain -calLocation "Chelsea, MI" -lat 42.35 -lon "-84.03" -icalFile "/home/cdzombak/wxcal/public/Chelsea-MI.ics" -sunIcalFile "/home/cdzombak/wxcal/public/Chelsea-MI-Sun.ics"


macOS via Homebrew
brew install cdzombak/oss/wxcal
Debian via apt repository

Install my Debian repository if you haven't already:

sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/dist-cdzombak-net.gpg
sudo chmod 0644 /etc/apt/keyrings/dist-cdzombak-net.gpg
echo -e "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/dist-cdzombak-net.gpg] any oss\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dist-cdzombak-net.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update

Then install wxcal via apt-get:

sudo apt-get install wxcal
Manual installation from build artifacts

Pre-built binaries for Linux and macOS on various architectures are downloadable from each GitHub Release. Debian packages for each release are available as well.

Build and install locally

Clone the repo ( and change into the wxcal source directory.

Run make install to install wxcal to /usr/local/bin. Or, to install somewhere else, run make build and move ./out/wxcal to wherever you'd like.


Just remove the wxcal binary from wherever it's installed. If you installed to /usr/local/bin with make install, run make uninstall to remove it.

Docker Images

Docker images are available for a variety of Linux architectures from Docker Hub and GHCR. Images are based on the scratch image and are as small as possible.

A top-level directory /ical exists in wxcal containers and is the working directory for the wxcal tool. You can mount a volume there for easy access to generated iCal files with zero verbosity.

Run wxcal under Docker via, for example:

docker run --rm \
    -v /srv/ical-feeds:/ical \
    cdzombak/wxcal:1 \
    -calLocation "Ann Arbor, MI" -lat "42.27" -lon "-83.74" \
    -calDomain \
    -v /srv/www/ical-feeds:/ical \
    -icalFile "Ann-Arbor-MI.ics"

docker run --rm \
    -v /srv/www/ical-feeds:/ical \  \
    -calLocation "New York, NY" -lat "40.73" -lon "-73.94" \
    -calDomain \
    -icalFile "New-York-NY.ics"



GNU LGPL v2.1; (c) Chris Dzombak 2019-2023. See LICENSE at the root of this repository.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull cdzombak/wxcal