Pull a configuration at the start of the container.
Fast and dirty docker image to configure containers.
Adapter Git
Flag / Environment | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$BEAMER_GIT_REPOSITORY | Git repository to clone. | String | false | |
$BEAMER_GIT_BRANCH | Git branch to clone. | String | false | HEAD |
$BEAMER_GIT_AUTH_METHOD | Authentication method to use. | String enum(none, ssh) | false | none |
$BEAMER_GIT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY | Private key to use for SSH authentication. | String | false | |
$BEAMER_GIT_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD | Password for the private key. | String | false |
Flag / Environment | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$LOG_LEVEL | Define the log level for the application. | String enum("panic", "fatal", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace") | false | info |
$ENV_FILE | Environment files to inject. | StringSlice | false |
Flag / Environment | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$BEAMER_ADAPTER | Mode to use. | String enum([git]) | false | git |
$BEAMER_INTERVAL | Interval between sync operations. | Duration | false | 1h0m0s |
$BEAMER_ONCE | Run the workflow only once. | Bool | false | false |
$BEAMER_FORCE_WORKFLOW | Force workflow to run even if the data is not dirty. | Bool | false | false |
$BEAMER_WORKING_DIRECTORY | Working directory for cloning the data. | String | false | /tmp/beamer |
$BEAMER_ROOT_DIRECTORY | Root directory for the project. | String | false | / |
$BEAMER_TARGET_DIRECTORY | Target directory for the project. | String | true | |
$BEAMER_IGNORE_FILE | File to use for ignoring files. | String | false | .beamer-ignore |
$BEAMER_FORCE_SYNC | Always force to sync the data, eventhough the state is not dirty. | Bool | false | false |
$BEAMER_SYNC_DELETE | Delete files that are not in the source. | Bool | false | false |
$BEAMER_SYNC_DELETE_EMPTY_DIRECTORIES | Delete empty directories after sync delete. | Bool | false | true |
$BEAMER_STATE_FILE | File to use for storing state. | String | false | .beamer |
$BEAMER_FILE_COMPARATOR | File comparator to use. | String enum([sha256 md5]) | false | md5 |
$BEAMER_TEMPLATE_FILES | Template file extensions that should be rendered. | StringSlice | false | ".tmpl", ".gotmpl" |
docker pull cenk1cenk2/beamer